Conflict Resolution
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Conflict Resolution
Study: Social Work - 4. semester
Code: 43944
ECTS: 4.0
Course coordinators: prof. dr. sc. Branka Sladović-Franz
Exam dates:
  • 29. 08. 2024.
  • 12. 09. 2024.
Exam registration: Studomat
Basic data
Conflict Resolution Social Work - 4. semester
4.0 43944
Lecturer in charge Consultations Location
prof. dr. sc. Branka Sladović-Franz

Mondays, 10-12

Nazorova 51, room Nazorova 51, soba Nazorova 51, soba Nazorova 51, soba 22
Ajduković, M. i Sladović Franz, B.; Razumijevanje sukoba. U: Ajduković, D. (ur.) Socijalna rekonstrukcija zajednice.; Društvo za psihološku pomoć (2003), str. 195-210
Ajduković, M. i Sladović Franz, B.; Prevladavanje sukoba U: Ajduković, D. (ur.) Socijalna rekonstrukcija zajednice.; Društvo za psihološku pomoć (2003), str. 211-230
Breber, M. i Sladović Franz, B.; Uvođenje obiteljske medijacije u sustav socijalne skrbi - perspektiva stručnjaka. Ljetopis socijalnog rada, 21, 1,; Pravni fakultet u Zagrebu (2014), str. 123-152
Sladović Franz, B.; Obilježja obiteljske medijacije. Ljetopis studijskog centra socijalnog rada, 12(2),; Pravni fakultet u Zagrebu (2005), str. 301-319
Roger Fisher, William Ury; Kako do da?; Školska knjiga (2019), str
Course is based on understanding theoretical definitions of conflicts, types and levels, understanding conflict dynamics, conflict potential and needs and conflict theories. Behavioral strategies in conflicts according to model of double interests and different conflict resolution skills. In social work context the consequences of destructive conflict resolutions are discussed. Special attention is given to use of negotiation skills in social work and mediation in social work, especially to features of family mediation in different areas of social work (divorce, separated parenting, elderly issues, disputes between adolescents and parents. Similar procedures of conflit resolutions are presented, like arbitrating and litigation in courts.
Exam dates
29. 08. 2024.
12. 09. 2024.
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