Marginal Groups
Katedra za socijalnu politiku English
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Marginal Groups
Study: Social Work - 3. semester
Code: 31887
ECTS: 3.0
Course coordinators: prof. dr. sc. Zoran Šućur
izv. prof. dr. sc. Danijel Baturina
Exam dates:
  • 28. 08. 2024.
  • 11. 09. 2024.
Exam registration: Studomat
Basic data
Marginal Groups Social Work - 3. semester
3.0 31887
Lecturer in charge Consultations Location
prof. dr. sc. Zoran Šućur

Mon13:00-14:00 & Thurs 12:00-13:00

Nazorova 51, room 1
izv. prof. dr. sc. Danijel Baturina

Winter semester: 
Monday 10 - 12 h 

Summer semester: 
Monday 13 - 15 h

Nazorova 51, room 5 f
REQUIRED: A. Giddens; Sociologija; Nakladni zavod Globus (2001), str. 106-118, 124-133, 144- 166
REQUIRED: V. Ilišin, F. Radin; Mladi uoči trećeg milenija; IDIS (2002), str. 27-46
REQUIRED: B. Perasović; Urbana plemena; Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada (2001), str. 94-110, 383-412
REQUIRED: A.M. Rose; Potkultura starih: tema za sociološko istraživanje; Potkulture, 3 (1988), str. 102-106
REQUIRED: Z. Šućur; Siromaštvo; Pravni fakultet u Zagrebu (2001), str. 40-53, 83-93, 101-112
REQUIRED: Z. Šućur; Socijalna isključenost: pojam, pristupi i operacionalizacija; Revija za sociologiju, (1-2) (2004), str. 45-60
REQUIRED: M. Štambuk; Siromaštvo kao sastavnica sociokulturnog identiteta Roma; Kako žive hrvatski Romi. Zagreb: Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar (2005), str. 133-158
REQUIRED: I. Živković, Ž. Šporer, D. Sekulić; Asimilacija i identitet; Školska knjiga (1995), str. 10-28, 33-41
REQUIRED: T. Vučković Juroš; Socijalna isključenost seksualnih manjina u Hrvatskoj; Revija za socijalnu politiku, (2) (2015), str. 195-218
REQUIRED: Z. Šućur; Romi kao marginalna grupa; Društvena istraživanja (2000), str. 211-227
REQUIRED: B. Šverko; Značenje rada u životu pojedinca: radne vrijednosti, važnost rada i otuđenje; Uvod u psihologiju: Suvremena znanstvena i primijenjena psihologija. Zagreb: Grafički zavod Hrvatske (1991), str. 17-20
REQUIRED: T. Matković; Politika zapošljavanja i nezaposlenost; Socijalna politika Hrvatske. Zagreb: Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (2008), str. 168-172
REQUIRED: Z. Galić, D. Maslić Seršić, B. Šverko; Financijske prilike i zdravlje nezaposlenih u Hrvatskoj: Vodi li financijska deprivacija do lošijeg zdravlja; Revija za socijlanu politiku (3) (2006), str. 257-260
RECOMMENDED: Ž. Šporer; Koncept društvene isključenosti; Društvena Istraživanja, (1-2) (2004), str. 171-193
The course provides knowledge and information about the processes of marginalisation and exclusion (manners of dropping out of the "mainstream", consequences and mechanisms of inclusion). Also, through this course the most significant problems of Croatian society are identified (poverty, unemployment, exclusion, discrimination etc.). Starting from marginal groups within wider society, students become acquainted with the features, challenges and coping strategies of common marginal groups, that the majority of social welfare services come from. In that sense, this course draws on knowledge gained in the courses of sociology, social demography and social policy, and serves as a preparatory course for a group of courses in the area of social policy and social work.

Course description
- Concept of marginal groups, processes and dimensions of marginality
- Concepts, theories and challenges of poverty
- Definitions, forms and mechanisms of social exclusion
- Causes, forms and consequences of unemployment
- Subcultures and countercultures: escape from marginality
- Ambivalence of the position of youth: "privileged"marginality
- Social status of older persons, challenges of ageing and subculture of senior people
- Social status and challenge of integration Društveni položaj i integracija migranata
- Social status of migrants, migration mechanisma and challenges of social integration of migrant population.
- Social status and integration of the Roma
- Gender and marginalization: differences, roles and inequalities
- Stigma, social roles and marginalization of sick and persons with disability
- Social exclusion of sexual minorities
Exam dates
28. 08. 2024.
11. 09. 2024.