Social Work with Disabled Persons
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Social Work with Disabled Persons
Study: Social Work - 8. semester
Code: 44131
ECTS: 6.0
Course coordinators: prof. dr. sc. Zdravka Leutar
izv. prof. dr. sc. Marko Buljevac
Exam dates:
  • 27. 08. 2024.
  • 10. 09. 2024.
Exam registration: Studomat
Basic data
Social Work with Disabled Persons Social Work - 8. semester
6.0 44131
Lecturer in charge Consultations Location
prof. dr. sc. Zdravka Leutar

Tuesdays from 10:30 to 12:30 am

Nazorova 51, room Nazorova 51, soba 8
izv. prof. dr. sc. Marko Buljevac

Tuesdays from 9 to 11 am

Nazorova 51, room 18
REQUIRED: Leutar, Z. & Buljevac, M. (2020). Osobe s invaliditetom u društvu. Zagreb: Biblioteka socijalnog rada.
ne učiti: tablice na stranici 9. i 10., stranice 45.-50., 123., 142.-148., 155.-156.- na stranici 156 se uče samo posljednja 2 odlomka
REQUIRED: Leutar, Z. Buljevac, M.; Vještačenje i prava ostali sustavi; Leutar, Z. Buljevac, M. (2022), str
REQUIRED: Zakon o profesionalnoj rehabilitaciji i zapošljavanju osoba s invaliditetom (NN, 157/2013., 152/2014., 39/2018., 32/2020.)
uče se članci: 3.-15., 17.- 22., 29., 31.- 33., 35., 37.
Studenti su dužni pratiti izmjene i dopune navedenog pravnog izvora.
Ukoliko dođe do izmjena i dopuna uči se onaj pravni izvor koji je na snazi!
REQUIRED: Zakon o socijalnoj skrbi (NN, 18/2022., 46/2022., 119/2022.) - sve vezano za osobe s invaliditetom

Studenti su dužni pratiti izmjene i dopune navedenog pravnog izvora.
Ukoliko dođe do izmjena i dopuna uči se onaj pravni izvor koji je na snazi!
RECOMMENDED: Milić Babić, Hranj Zeko i Leutar (2023). Prava i usluge u sustavu socijalne skrbi za djecu s teškoćama u razvoju i njihove obitelji: Zagreb: PF
Course description
- INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL WORK WITH PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES: conceptual determination, theoretical approaches to disability, causes of disability, position in society.
- TYPES OF DISABILITY: persons with different types of impairment, persons with hearing impairment, persons with speech impairment, persons with visual impairment, persons with intellectual disabilities, persons with multiple disorders, persons with physical impairments, persons with autism, persons with rare diseases, Homeland war persons with disabilities, persons with mental health problems, and persons with chronic diseases.
- PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES AND SOCIETY: historical aspects of the attitude of society towards persons with disabilities, recent developments and trends, attitudes and reactions of society towards persons with disabilities, quality of life, poverty, disability as a stigma, social integration of persons with disabilities.
- PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES AND FAMILY: families of persons with disabilities, rights to marry and parenthood of persons with disabilities, leisure time of persons with disabilities.
- RIGHTS OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES: international regulations and regulations in the Republic of Croatia about rights of persons with disabilities in social welfare system, educational system, pension system, housing and health care.
- SOCIAL WORK AND PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES: manners of support and empowerment of persons with disabilities, self-help of persons with disabilities through various movements and associations.
Exam dates
27. 08. 2024.
10. 09. 2024.