Social Work with the Family
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Social Work with the Family
Study: Social Work - 4. semester
Code: 31890
ECTS: 5.0
Course coordinators: prof. dr. sc. Slavica Blažeka Kokorić
prof. dr. sc. Maja Laklija
Lecturers: prof. dr. sc. Slavica Blažeka Kokorić - Exercises
prof. dr. sc. Maja Laklija - Exercises
Exam dates:
  • 29. 08. 2024.
  • 12. 09. 2024.
Exam registration: Studomat
Basic data
Social Work with the Family Social Work - 4. semester
5.0 31890
Lecturer in charge Consultations Location
prof. dr. sc. Slavica Blažeka Kokorić

Thursdays from 10:30 to 12:00 am

Nazorova 51, room 9
prof. dr. sc. Maja Laklija Nazorova 51, room 18
Lecturer Consultations Location
prof. dr. sc. Slavica Blažeka Kokorić (Exercises)

Thursdays from 10:30 to 12:00 am

Nazorova 51, room 9
prof. dr. sc. Maja Laklija (Exercises) Nazorova 51, room 18
REQUIRED: Haralambos, M., Holborn, M.; Sociologija - teme i perspektive; Golden marketing (2002), str. 503-584
REQUIRED: Janković, J.; Obitelj u fokusu; Etcetera (2008), str
REQUIRED: Obradović-Čudina, M., Obradović, J.; Psihologija braka i obitelji; Golden marketing - Tehnička knjiga (2006), str. 119.-145., 241-280., 293.-322., 575-591
REQUIRED: Ajduković, M., Radočaj, T.; Pravo djeteta na život u obitelji; UNICEF (2008), str. 57-91
REQUIRED: Prezentacije s predavanja; , str
REQUIRED: Obiteljski zakon NN 103/15, 98/19; , str
REQUIRED: Zakon o socijalnoj skrbi, NN 18/22, 46/22; , str
REQUIRED: Zakon o udomiteljstvu, NN 115/18, 18/22; , str
REQUIRED: Zakon o zaštiti od nasilja u obitelji NN 70/17, 126/19, 84/21; , str
RECOMMENDED: Blažeka Kokorić, S. /ur./; Posvojenje - različite perspektive, isti cilj; Na drugi način (2019), str
RECOMMENDED: Blažeka Kokorić, S., Berc, G., Laklija, M.; Doživljaj roditeljskog prihvaćanja / odbacivanja u kontekstu različih socio-ekonomskih uvjeta odrastanja u primarnoj obitelji; Hrvatska revija za rehabilitacijska istraživanja 46 (2) (2010), str. 1-18
RECOMMENDED: Berc, G.; Obiteljska otpornost - teorijsko utemeljenje i primjena koncepta u socijalnom radu; Ljetopis socijalnog rada 19 (1) (2012), str. 145-167
RECOMMENDED: Kilpatrick, A. C., Holland, Th. P.; Working with families: an integrative model by level of need; Pearson Education, Inc (2006), str
RECOMMENDED: Laklija, M.; Pristupi udomiteljskoj skrbi za djecu u svijetu i čimbenici koji utječu na ishode udomiteljstva; Revija za socijalnu politiku 18 (3) (2011), str. 291-310
RECOMMENDED: Maluccio, A. N., Pine, B. A.; Tracy, E. M.; Social work practice with families and children; Columbia University Press (2002), str
RECOMMENDED: Hrabar, Dubravka; Obiteljsko pravo u sustavu socijalne skrbi; Narodne novine (2019), str
Within the course, students gain knowledge and skills needed to recognise and analyse the functioning of different types of families, family structure, dynamics of the relation, and communication within the family and with the environment in different social contexts. Special emphasis is given to social work interventions with the purpose of ensuring the functioning of the family and adjustment of family relations.

Course description
- Definition and concept of family
- Theoretical approaches to studying and understanding family
- Historical development and family typologies
- Social changes and family
- Types of modern families
- Structure and functions of the family (psychological, social, educational, value-related, spiritual, material, ecological, communication factors of family functioning)
- Marital and extramarital relations
- Modern parenting
- Family roles (generational and intergenerational relations)
- Family life cycle
- Family resilience
- Determinants of marital instability
- Adjustment to divorce
- Social work with the family within the social welfare system
- Fostering and adoption
- Implementing measures of family-law protection of children
- Actions in cases of family violence
- Working with families facing multiple risks,
- Social work in the prevention of family problems
Exam dates
29. 08. 2024.
12. 09. 2024.