Social Work and Addictions
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Social Work and Addictions
Study: Social Work - 8. semester
Code: 44133
ECTS: 5.0
Course coordinators: dr. sc. Ante Bagarić , nasl. izv. prof.
prof. dr. sc. Marijana Majdak
Lecturers: dr. sc. Ivan Ćelić , pred. - Lectures

dr. sc. Ante Bagarić , nasl. izv. prof. - Exercises
dr. sc. Ivan Ćelić , pred. - Exercises
prof. dr. sc. Marijana Majdak - Exercises
Exam dates:
  • 28. 08. 2024.
  • 11. 09. 2024.
Exam registration: Studomat
Basic data
Social Work and Addictions Social Work - 8. semester
5.0 44133
Lecturer in charge Consultations Location
dr. sc. Ante Bagarić , nasl. izv. prof.
prof. dr. sc. Marijana Majdak

Tuesday 11,00-13,00 room 21

Nazorova 51, room 21
Lecturer Consultations Location
dr. sc. Ivan Ćelić , pred. (Lectures)
dr. sc. Ante Bagarić , nasl. izv. prof. (Exercises)
dr. sc. Ivan Ćelić , pred. (Exercises)
prof. dr. sc. Marijana Majdak (Exercises)

Tuesday 11,00-13,00 room 21

Nazorova 51, room 21
REQUIRED: Thaller, V.; Alkohologija. Suvremene osnove za studente i praktičare; Naklada CSCAA (2002), str
RECOMMENDED: Sakoman, S.; Društvo bez droge. Hrvatska nacionalna strategija; Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar (2001), str
Within the course students are introduced to epidemiology and etiology of addiction, and are trained to approach professional work in teams of experts who treat people with the experience of addiction related problems.
Course description
- History of alcohology
- Institutions that deal with alcoholism
- Etiology of alcoholism
- Personality and alcoholism
- Social-psychiatric aspects of alcoholism
- Family and alcoholism
- Treatment of alcoholics
- Family approach
- Social worker in the treatment of alcoholics
- Classification of other addictions
- Etiology and epidemiology of addiction
- Social-psychiatric aspects of addiction
- Addiction and AIDS
- Addiction, family and society
- Treatment and rehabilitations of addicts
- Social worker in the treatment and rehabilitation of addicts
- Prevention of the disease of addiction
Exam dates
28. 08. 2024.
11. 09. 2024.