
Na tekućoj stranici, lijevi stupac, repozitorij, dostupna je prezentacija kolege Albersa (pdf format), te tekst odluke Njemačkog vrhovnog suda u predmetu "UND Adryatik".


Kolega Jan Albers, odvjetnički pristupnik iz Hamburga, održao je u ponedjeljak, 20. svibnja 2013. godine predavanje za studente poslijediplomskog studija na temu primjene pomorskog prava u pravnoj praksi, sa posebnim osvrtom na nedavnu odluku njemačkog Vrhovnog suda u predmetu "ADRYATIK".

Predavanje se održalo na engleskom jeziku.


Više informacija o predavanju, te kraći životopis kolege Albersa, dostupni su u nastavku obavijesti.


Jan Albers


Short CV

Born in 1981 in Hamburg, Germany; 2001 – 2008 Studies of Law at the University of Hamburg; 2008 LL.M. (Environmental Law); 2008 First State Examination (specialization in the Corporate and Business Law); 2008-2013 doctoral studies at the Law of the Sea and Maritime Law Institute, University of Hamburg, topic: “Responsibility and liability in the context of transboundary movements of hazardous wastes by sea – the 1999 Liability Protocol to the Basel Convention”; Co-Management of IFLOS Summer Academy 2009 and 2010 at the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea; 2009-2010 Doctoral Scholar at the International Max Planck Research School for Maritime Affairs; 2011-2013 Legal Clerkship; Since 2008 Legal Assistant with Segelken & Suchopar lawyers in the field of maritime law and insurance law.





The lecture consists of two parts. The first part is captioned with “The Application of Maritime Law in Legal Practice” and illustrates – from the view of a practitioner – the field of application of maritime and transport law. The main focus is laid on the handling and enforcement of cargo claims brought by subrogated cargo underwriters vis-à-vis carriers and shipowners. After a short introduction dealing with the question of what may happen during a sea transport the presentation sets the scenario for a cargo claim which is used to demonstrate the typical (legal and factual) difficulties of such cases, the opportunities for action, and ends with a legal subsumption of this case taking account of the international legal framework.

The second part of this presentation deals with the specific issue of how to determine the relationship between international transport conventions in cases of overlapping application. Based on the example of the MV “UND ADRYATIK”, in particular, the relationship between the CMR and maritime law conventions shall be outlined.



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