Human rights and atrocity crimes prevention
Human rights and atrocity crimes prevention
Study: Civil Law - 9. semester
Commercial Law - 9. semester
Constitutional-Administrative - 9. semester
Criminal Law - 9. semester
International Law - 9. semester
The European Union Law - 9. semester
Code: 191362
ECTS: 4.0
Course coordinators: izv. prof. dr. sc. Mario Krešić
izv. prof. dr. sc. Barbara Preložnjak
Exam dates:
  • 26. 08. 2024.
  • 09. 09. 2024.
Exam registration: Studomat
Basic data
Human rights and atrocity crimes prevention Civil Law - 9. semester
Commercial Law - 9. semester
Constitutional-Administrative - 9. semester
Criminal Law - 9. semester
International Law - 9. semester
The European Union Law - 9. semester
4.0 191362
Lecturer in charge Consultations Location
izv. prof. dr. sc. Mario Krešić


Wednesday at 10:00



Gundulićeva 10, room 20
izv. prof. dr. sc. Barbara Preložnjak

Tuesdays 12:00 am


Trg Republike Hrvatske 3, room 27/II
REQUIRED: Framework of Analysis for Atrocity Crimes: A tool for Prevention; United Nations (2014), str. 1-33
REQUIRED: A. Bellamy; R2P in theory and practice; in: A. Bellamy and T. Dunn (eds), The Oxford handbook of the Responsibility to Protect, Oxford University Press (2016), str. 3-16
REQUIRED: UN General Assembly: Report of the Secretary-General (A/63/677); Implementing the responsibility to protect; (2009), str. 1-33
REQUIRED: UN General Assembly: Report of the Secretary-General (A/64/864); Early warning, assessment and the responsibility to protect; (2010), str. 1-8
REQUIRED: UN General Assembly, Security Council: Report of the Secretary-General (A/67/929-S/2013/399); Responsibility to protect: State responsibility and prevention; (2013), str. 1-17
REQUIRED: UN General Assembly, Security Council: Report of the Secretary-General (A/70/999-S/2016/620); Mobilizing collective action: the next decade of the responsibility to protect; (2016), str. 1-16
REQUIRED: a) UN Secretary General's Human Rights up Front Action Plan: A summary for staff b) Connecting the dots: Adding an atrocity prevention lens to the Universal Periodic Review, advocacy paper (2017, 1-6 str.) c) Atrocity Prevention Project research materials: Response framework, Summary and update of the project, Inter Office arrangement on cooperation on the project, Methodological guidelines for the study authors (1-7 str);, str
REQUIRED: Global Centre for Responsibility to Protect Country situation specific readings: Burundi, Central African Republic, Cote d'Ivoire, Guinea, Kenya, Myanmar, South Sudan, Syria.;, str
RECOMMENDED: A. Bellamy and T. Dunne (eds.); The Oxford handbook of the Responsibility to Protect, 2016; Oxford University Press (2016), str
RECOMMENDED: Cecilia Jacob, Martin Mennecke (eds.); Implementing the Responsibility to Protect: A Future Agenda; Routledge (2020), str
The course provides students with reasons for the rise of mass atrocity crimes in the world (genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, ethnic cleansing). The risk factors and means how to prevent them will be discussed. The role of early warning and early implementing mechanisms as well as methods to improve them are analysed in particular. Human rights violations, especially the structural discrimination against specific social groups, are an early sign of the increased risk of possible mass atrocity crimes. Therefore, early prevention of human rights abuses significantly reduces the risks of mass atrocity crimes. The legal as well as moral and political obligations of particular national, regional and global actors to prevent mass atrocity crimes are identified through the analysis of international humanitarian law, human rights and the concept of "Responsibility to Protect" (R2P). The course also introduces students to the current assessments which are aimed at improvement of structural and operational prevention measures.
Exam dates
26. 08. 2024.
09. 09. 2024.