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Theoretical foundations of civil law
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Theoretical foundations of civil law
Study: Civil law and family law sciences - 1. semester
Code: 166753
ECTS: 6.0
Course coordinators: prof. dr. sc. Saša Nikšić
Lecturers: prof. dr. sc. Nikola Gavella - Lectures
prof. dr. sc. Igor Gliha - Lectures
Basic data
Theoretical foundations of civil law Civil law and family law sciences - 1. semester
6.0 166753
Lecturer in charge Consultations Location
prof. dr. sc. Saša Nikšić

Tuesday 16:00 - 17:30

Trg Republike Hrvatske 3, room 30/II
Lecturer Consultations Location
prof. dr. sc. Nikola Gavella (Lectures)
prof. dr. sc. Igor Gliha (Lectures)

Tuesday 16:00 - 17:30

Trg Republike Hrvatske 3, room 31/II
REQUIRED: N. Gavella i dr.; Građansko pravo i pripadnost hrvatskog pravnog poretka kontinentalnoeuropskom pravnom krugu: teorijske osnove građanskog prava; Zagreb (2005), str. 1-80
REQUIRED: P. Klarić, M. Vedriš:; Građansko pravo; Zagreb (2008), str. OPĆI DIO
REQUIRED: N. Gavella:; Osobna prava, I. dio; Zagreb (2000), str. 1-63
RECOMMENDED: Bydlinski, F., Mayer - Maly, Th. (Hrsg); Die ethischen Grundlagen des Privatrechts; Wien (1994), str
RECOMMENDED: Bydlinski, F.; Juristische Methodenlehre und Rechtsbegriff; Wien (1991), str
RECOMMENDED: Bydlinski, P.; Buergerliches Recht I., Algemeiner Teil; Wien-New York (2002), str
RECOMMENDED: Carbonier, J.; Droit civil, Introduction; Paris (1992), str
RECOMMENDED: Coing, H.; Europaeisches Privatrecht; Muenchen (1989), str
RECOMMENDED: David, R, Grasmann G.; Einfuerung in die grossen Rechtssysteme der Gegenwart; Muenchen (1988), str
RECOMMENDED: Gschnitzer, F.; Allgemeiner Teil des Buergerlichen Rechts; Wien - New York (1992), str
RECOMMENDED: Koziol, H., Welser, R./Kletečka, A.; Grundriss des buergerlichen Rechts, Band I: Allgemeiner Teil. Sachenrecht, Familienrecht; Wien (2014), str
RECOMMENDED: Maenhardt, F., Posch, W.; Internationales Privatrecht, Privatrechtsvergleichung, Einheitsprivatrecht; Wien (1994), str
RECOMMENDED: Mayer - Maly, Th.; Rechtsphilosophie; Wien (2001), str
RECOMMENDED: Redmond, P. W., Shears, P.; General Principles of English Law; London (1995), str
RECOMMENDED: Rheinstein, M.; Einfuerung in die Rechtsvergleichung; Muenchen (1987), str
RECOMMENDED: Wolf, M., Neuner, J.; Allgemeiner Teil des Buergerlichen Rechts; Verlag C. H. Beck Muenchen (2012), str
RECOMMENDED: Zweigert, K., Koetz, H.; Einfuerung in die Rechtsvergleishung auf dem Gebiete des Privatrechts; Tuebingen (1996), str
Exam dates