Introduction to Social Pedagogy
Katedra za teoriju i metodologiju socijalnog rada English
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Introduction to Social Pedagogy
Study: Social Work - 2. semester
Code: 43942
ECTS: 3.0
Course coordinators: doc. dr. sc. Dora Dodig Hundrić
Exam dates:
  • 27. 08. 2024.
  • 10. 09. 2024.
Exam registration: Studomat
Basic data
Introduction to Social Pedagogy Social Work - 2. semester
3.0 43942
Lecturer in charge Consultations Location
doc. dr. sc. Dora Dodig Hundrić
REQUIRED: Bouillet, D., Uzelac, S.; Osnove socijalne pedagogije; Zagreb: Školska knjiga (izabrana poglavlja) (2007), str
RECOMMENDED: Žižak, A.; Teorijske osnove intervencija; Zagreb: Edukacijsko-rehabilitacijski fakultet (izabrana poglavlja) (2010), str
RECOMMENDED: Poldrugač, Z., Bouillet, D., Ricijaš, N.; Socijalna pedagogija - znanost, profesija i praksa u Hrvatskoj; Edukacijsko-rehabilitacijski fakultet (izabrana poglavlja) (2011), str
RECOMMENDED: Huić, A., Ricijaš, N., Branica, V.; Kako definirati i mjeriti kompetencije studenata; Ljetopis studijskog centra socijalnog rada, 12, 2, . (2010), str. 195-221
The course aims to introduce students to important concepts of social pedagogy and complex area of the behavioural disorders of children and young people, as well as young people with special needs, to point out the significance of scientific, theoretical and practical aspects of social-pedagogical interventions with the emphasis on the need for an interdisciplinary approach.

Course description
- Modern social pedagogy: definition, subject-matter, basic theoretical concepts;
- Scientific foundation of social pedagogy;
- Relation between social pedagogy and other helping professions (especially social work);
- Conceptual determination of behavioural disorders (terminological issues, definitions, classifications, criteria of categorisation);
- Etiology of behavioural disorders: multicausality, dialectics and dynamics;
- Conceptual determination of social integration (upbringing of persons with behavioural disorders);
- Importance of ethics in social-pedagogical interventions;
- Specific features of social-pedagogical interventions (continuum of interventions);
- Importance of team work in social integration of persons with behavioural disorders
Exam dates
27. 08. 2024.
10. 09. 2024.