Introduction to Social Work Theory
Katedra za teoriju i metodologiju socijalnog rada English
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Introduction to Social Work Theory
Study: Social Work - 2. semester
Code: 31898
ECTS: 6.0
Course coordinators: izv. prof. dr. sc. Vanja Branica
Exam dates:
  • 27. 08. 2024.
  • 10. 09. 2024.
Exam registration: Studomat
Basic data
Introduction to Social Work Theory Social Work - 2. semester
6.0 31898
Lecturer in charge Consultations Location
izv. prof. dr. sc. Vanja Branica Nazorova 51
REQUIRED: Knežević, M. Miljenović, A. i Branica, V.; Teorija socijalnog rada; Biblioteka Studijskog centra socijalnog rada (2013), str
RECOMMENDED: Davis, M.; The Blackwell Companion to Social Work; Blackwell Pulishing (2008), str
RECOMMENDED: Howe, D.; A Brief Introduction to Social Work Theory; Palgrave Macmillan (2009), str
RECOMMENDED: Knežević M.; Neka razmišljanja o suvremenoj teoriji socijalnog rada; Ljetopis studijskog centra socijalnog rada, 4 (1) (1997), str. 29-41
RECOMMENDED: Knežević M.; "Socijalno" i socijalni rad.; Revija za socijalnu politiku, 3 (1) (1996), str. 17-25
RECOMMENDED: Payne, M.; Modern Social Work Theory; Lyceum (2005), str
Definitions of social work. Beginnings and development of social work, its social determination, goals and organization. Development of social work as a profession. Social-protection needs. Cause of social issues. Basic kinds of social issues. Theoretic approach to social issues, to their development and the role of social work profession. Area of social work. Social work practice through lens of different theories in social work.
Exam dates
27. 08. 2024.
10. 09. 2024.