Social Work in Welfare System
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Social Work in Welfare System
Study: Social Work - 6. semester
Code: 43946
ECTS: 3.0
Course coordinators: prof. dr. sc. Nino Žganec
Exam dates:
  • 29. 08. 2024.
  • 12. 09. 2024.
Exam registration: Studomat
Basic data
Social Work in Welfare System Social Work - 6. semester
3.0 43946
Lecturer in charge Consultations Location
prof. dr. sc. Nino Žganec Nazorova 51, room 12
REQUIRED: Puljiz, V., Bežovan, G., Šućur, Z., Zrinščak, S., Žganec, N. i Balaband, A.; Decentralizacija socijalnih službi: nacrt modela; Revija za socijalnu politiku, 10 (1) (2003), str. 69-83
REQUIRED: Puljiz, V. i Žganec, N.; Sustav socijalne pomoći i socijalne skrbi; Ured za strategiju razvitka Republike Hrvatske (2002), str
REQUIRED: Kaliterna Lipovčan, Lj. i Dahl, S. A.; Employment policies and welfare reform; Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar (2002), str
REQUIRED: Žganec, N. i Kujundžić, M.; Djeca i institucijska skrb; Dijete i društvo: časopis za promicanje prava djeteta, 5 (2/3) (2003), str. 189-203
REQUIRED: Žganec, N.; Socijalna skrb u Hrvatskoj - smjerovi razvoja i reformi; Revija za socijalnu politiku 15 (3) (2008), str. 379-393
REQUIRED: Zakon o socijalnoj skrbi; Narodne novine, 157/2013., str
REQUIRED: Šućur, Z.; Razvoj socijalne pomoći i socijalne skrbi u Hrvatskoj nakon Drugoga svjetskog rata; Revija za socijalnu politiku, 10 (1) (2003), str. 1-22
RECOMMENDED: O'Connor, I., Hughes, M., Turney, D., Wilson, J. i Setterlund, D.; Social Work and Social Care Practice; Sage Publications Ltd. (2006), str
Students will receive basic information about the activity of social workers within the social welfare system in the Republic of Croatia and EU countries. Through the outline of specific features of the roles and functions that social workers have within social welfare system, and a comparative outline of the EU countries, the students will be enabled to enter the labour market fully informed, and to critically evaluate activities within which most social workers find employment.

Course description

Terminological definitions: social policy, social security, social welfare, social work
Social welfare system in the Republic of Croatia - legal context
Specific roles and functions of social workers within the social welfare system
Parts of social welfare system in the Republic of Croatia
Social work and users of social welfare system
Comparative outline of activities of social workers within the social welfare system of other countries
Specific features of the activity of social workers within the social welfare system in relation to relevant sectors
Career opportunities for social workers employed within the social welfare system
Reforms of social welfare system and the role of social workers in them
Exam dates
29. 08. 2024.
12. 09. 2024.