Poverty and Social Exclusion
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Poverty and Social Exclusion
Code: 69787
ECTS: 5.0
Course coordinators: prof. dr. sc. Zoran Šućur
Basic data
Poverty and Social Exclusion 5.0 69787
Lecturer in charge Consultations Location
prof. dr. sc. Zoran Šućur

Mon13:00-14:00 & Thurs 12:00-13:00

Nazorova 51, room 1
Z. Šućur; Siromaštvo: teorije, koncepti i pokazatelji; Zagreb: Pravni fakultet (2001), str. 31-39, 53-60, 67-82, 92-130
UNDP Hrvatska; Neumreženi: lica socijalne isključenosti; Zagreb: UNDP Hrvatska (2006), str. 43-144
Z. Šućur; Siromaštvo, višedimenzionalna deprivacija i socijalna isključenost u Hrvatskoj; Revija za sociologiju, 3-4 (2006), str. 131-147
O. Družić Ljubotina; Beskućništvo: pogled iz različitih perspektiva; Zagreb: Gradski ured za socijalnu zaštitu i osobe s invaliditetom (2012), str. 15-63
H.-J. Andress; Empirical Poverty Research in Comparative Perspective; Aldershot: Ashgate (1998), str. Poglavlje: "Social exclusion" and "underclass" - two new concepts for the analysis of poverty
"New" poverty.
Concept and tyoplogy of poverty lines.
Functions and manners of constructing equivalent scales.
Economic inequalities and poverty.
Empirical indicators of poverty and inequality in Croatia.
Strategies of reducing inequality and poverty.
The role of individual social systems in the fight against poverty.
The influence of social trensfers on the reduction of poverty.
Paradigmatic approaches to social exclusion.
Operationalisation of social exclusion.
Results of empirical research studies of social exclusion.
Measures against poverty and social exclusion: the role of social policy.
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