Methodology of Research in Social Work
Katedra za metodologiju istraživanja u socijalnom radu i socijalnoj politici English
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Methodology of Research in Social Work
Study: Social Work - 3. semester
Code: 31687
ECTS: 10.0
Course coordinators: prof. dr. sc. Ivan Rimac
izv. prof. dr. sc. Jelena Ogresta
Lecturers: dr. sc. Lea Skokandić - Lectures
Exam dates:
  • 30. 08. 2024.
  • 13. 09. 2024.
Exam registration: Studomat
Basic data
Methodology of Research in Social Work Social Work - 3. semester
10.0 31687
Lecturer in charge Consultations Location
prof. dr. sc. Ivan Rimac Nazorova 51, room 14
izv. prof. dr. sc. Jelena Ogresta Nazorova 51, room 19
Lecturer Consultations Location
dr. sc. Lea Skokandić (Lectures) Nazorova 51, room 16C
REQUIRED: Milas, G.; Metode istraživanja u psihologiji i drugim društvenim znanostima.; Naklada Slap (2009), str
REQUIRED: Galešić, M.; Anketna istraživanja putem Interneta: Mogući izvori pogrešaka; Društvena istraživanja, 14(1-2), (2005), str. 297-320
REQUIRED: Ajduković, M., Kolesarić, V.; Etički kodeks istraživanja s djecom; Vijeće za djecu Vlade Republike Hrvatske, Državni zavod za zaštitu obitelji, materinstva i mladeži. (2003), str
RECOMMENDED: Marczyk, G., DeMatteo, D., Festinger, D.; Essentials of Research Design and Methodology.; John Wiley Sons (2005), str
RECOMMENDED: Petz, B., Kolesarić, V., Ivanec, D.; Petzova statistika; Naklada Slap. (2012), str
RECOMMENDED: Oliver, P.; The student's guide to research ethics; McGraw-Hill Education (2010), str
The aim of the course is to introduce students to basic research methods of in social sciences on the theoretical and practical levels. The lectures cover the following topics: scientific and non-scientific approach, the role of theory, definition of the empiric and the role of scientific methodology, positivistic paradigm of quantitative approach, measurement, techniques of quantitative observation and survey method; epistemological and methodological foundations of the causal proof through experiment, as well as methodology of classic, factorial and pseudo-experimental model.
Through practical work students outline and conduct empirical research project using quantitative approach.
Students propose empirical research based on knowledge acquired through lectures and relevant literature. Separate phases of research project are conducted, documented and described through individual and group assignments in practical training.
Course grade is based upon evaluation of students activities regarding individual and group assignments which include separate phases of their research project, as well as written midterm examination.

Course description
- Science and other forms of cognition. Characteristic of scientific explanation
- Scientific theory. Elements of scientific theory
- Constructing explanations as a research process. Social constructivism.
- Quantitative approach. Paradigm, measurement and operationalization
- Correlation research.
- Data collection
- Probabilistic sampling and propositions of statistical inference
- The role of statistics and models of statistical proof
- Epistemological and methodological foundations of causal proof.
- Classic experiment, independent and dependent variable, experimental control
- Quasi-experimental research
- Research ethics
Exam dates
30. 08. 2024.
13. 09. 2024.