Palliative Care
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Palliative Care
Study: Social Policy - 1. semester
Social Work - 1. semester
Code: 92256
ECTS: 5.0
Course coordinators: prof. dr. sc. Ana Štambuk
Exam dates:
  • 27. 08. 2024.
  • 10. 09. 2024.
Exam registration: Studomat
Basic data
Palliative Care Social Policy - 1. semester
Social Work - 1. semester
5.0 92256
Lecturer in charge Consultations Location
prof. dr. sc. Ana Štambuk Nazorova 51, room 17/I
REQUIRED: Buckman, R.; Ne znam što reći; Školska knjiga (1995), str
REQUIRED: Štambuk, A., Obrvan, T,; Uloga, standardi i kompetencije socijalnih radnika u palijativnoj skrbi.; Ljetopis socijalnog rada, 24(1) (2017), str. 119-146
REQUIRED: Brkljačić, M., Šamija, M., Belev, B., Strnad, M., Čengić, T.; Palijativna medicina.; Markulin, d.o.o. (2013), str. 300-329
REQUIRED: Arambašić, L.; Gubitak, tugovanje, podrška.; Naklada Slap (2005), str. 190-233
RECOMMENDED: Kubler - Ross, E., Kessler, D.; Pouke života - kako nas naša smrtnost može poučiti životu i življenju.; Biovega (2001), str
RECOMMENDED: Davies, E. and Higginson, I.; Palliative care - the solid facts.; World Health Organizations. (2004), str
RECOMMENDED: Hall, S., Petkova, H., Tsouros, A.D., Costantini, M. and Higginson, I.; Better palliative care for older people: better practicies; World Health Organizations. (2011), str
RECOMMENDED: Salajpal, T.; Darovane spoznaje: o umiranju; Alinea. (2004), str
RECOMMENDED: Ur. Kotnik, I., Zdeličan, J., Špoljar, G. i Brkić, S.; Palijativna skrb: priručnik za volontere u hospicijskim kućnim posjetama; Hrvatska udruga prijatelja hospicija. (2011), str
RECOMMENDED: Preporuka Rec 24 Povjerenstva ministara Vijeća Europe državama članicama o organizaciji palijativne skrbi; Hrvatsko društvo za hospicij i palijativnu skrb. (2003), str
Development of hospice / palliative care in the world; Palliative care organization in the EU; Definition and principles of palliative care; Palliative care models; Specific needs of the dying: physiological, social, psychological and spiritual; A holistic approach to pain; Teamwork; The role of the social worker in palliative care; Specifics of palliative care in working with children and the elderly; Communication with the patient; Family meetings; Announcing bad news (SPIKES - program); Euthanasia and pointless treatment; Ethical issues in palliative care; Mourning; The role of volunteers in palliative care.

Students will learn theoretical knowledge related to the content of the course, and specific skills related to: communication skills - active listening and communicating bad news, skills related to facing reality and nurturing hope in patients and families, teamwork skills, specifics of the role of social worker, skills of involving the wider community in supporting the dying, especially through volunteer work.

Classes are conducted through lectures with experiential learning exercises.

Lectures are led by prof. dr. sc. Ana Štambuk.

The exam is taken in writing and orally.
Exam dates
27. 08. 2024.
10. 09. 2024.