Public Economy Sector
Chair of Economics
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Public Economy Sector
Study: Administrative-Economic - 5. semester
Code: 123675
ECTS: 5.0
Course coordinators: prof. dr. sc. Ivana Bajakić
prof. dr. sc. Nenad Rančić
Lecturers: dr. sc. Sanja Tišma , pred. - Lectures
Exam dates:
  • 27. 08. 2024.
  • 10. 09. 2024.
Exam registration: Studomat
Basic data
Public Economy Sector Administrative-Economic - 5. semester
5.0 123675
Lecturer in charge Consultations Location
prof. dr. sc. Ivana Bajakić

Tuesday from 1.00 pm

Tkalčićeva 48-50
prof. dr. sc. Nenad Rančić

Tuesday 1 PM

Tkalčićeva 48-50, room xx
Lecturer Consultations Location
dr. sc. Sanja Tišma , pred. (Lectures)
REQUIRED: Samuelson, P.A., Nordhavs, W.: Ekonomija, Mate, Zagreb, 1992.; Ekonomija; Mate (1992), str
RECOMMENDED: Petak. Z; Javna dobra i političko odlučivanje, , Zagreb,; Politička misao (2001), str
RECOMMENDED: Vranjican, S; Politička ekonomija, , 2004.; Pravni fakultet, Zagreb (2004), str. 2004
RECOMMENDED: Pusić, E; Upravljanje u suvremenoj državi, , 2002.; Društveno veleučilište, Zagreb (2002), str
RECOMMENDED: Bailey, S.J; Public Sector Economics: Theory, Policy and Practice; Palgrave (2002), str
RECOMMENDED: Stiglitz, J.E.,; Economics of the Public; Norton, co-New York (2000), str
RECOMMENDED: Sliglitz, J.E; Ekonomija javnog sektora,; Ekonomski fakultet, Beograd, (2004), str
RECOMMENDED: Murray Horn; The political economy of public administration: Instutional choice in the public sector.; Cambridge (1995), str
RECOMMENDED: Assessing the Impacts of Proposed Laws and Regulations, SIGMA Paper No. 13, OCDE/GD(97) 126.; , str
RECOMMENDED: Top management service in central government: Introducing a system for the higher civil service in Central and Eastern European Countries, SIGMA Paper No. 1, OCDE/GD(95)45.; , str
RECOMMENDED: Kirkpatrick, C., Parker, D., Zhang, YF; Regulatory impact assessment in the developing and transition economies: a survey of current practice and recommendations for further development.; Institute for Development Policy and Management, University of Manchester UK (2003), str
Introduction: Subject and content of the public sector economy. Correlation between the public sector economy and other economic disciplines. Links to other social sciences (3h)
The role of the public sector. Economic reasons for its existence (market versus state mechanisms of economic co-ordination, individual versus public choice, neo-classical welfare theory) (3h)
Basic economic functions of the state Allocation function, distributive function, stabilisation function, developmental function (2h)
Public spending programmes (public expenditure, methods of the public sector efficiency assessment: cost-benefit analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis, regulatory impact assessment) (3h)
Main areas of public spending (social security, pension funds, health care, education) (3h)
Public choice and political interests. public choice theory. Voters and voting process (3h)
Creation of supply and demand for the public sector - political interests (2h)
Specific functions of the state in the countries in transition. Privatisation within state administration, icreased importance of the public management as a support to economic development (3h)
Support to entrepreneurship and strengthening of the market institutions (2h)
Anticorruption campaigns. Reduction of grey economy (3h)
Closing lecture: Context of the EU accession (3h)
Exam dates
27. 08. 2024.
10. 09. 2024.