doc. dr. sc. Trpimir Mihael Šošić
doc. dr. sc.
Trpimir Mihael Šošić

Having completed his studies of the law at the University of Zagreb’s Law Faculty in 1997, Dr Sosic first worked as clerk-at-law at the law office of Dr Dragutin Sikirić, attorney-at-law in Zagreb. He passed the State Judiciary Examination (Croatian equivalent of the Bar examination) in 2000. In 2001 he obtained the position of junior research assistant at the Zagreb Faculty of Law. After completion of the second university degree, i.e. master’s degree (magister scientiarum -, in the field of international law in 2006, he was chosen for the post of assistant at the Zagreb Law Faculty’s Department of International Law, and in 2007 was granted the teaching and examination licence for the subject International Law. In 2012 he earned a doctoral degree in the field of international law with a dissertation entitled “The Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage in International Law”. He became assistant professor in 2015. Dr Sosic spent research periods at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht) in Heidelberg (Germany) and at the Asser Institute (T.M.C. Asser Instituut) at The Hague (Netherlands). He also attended courses at the Hague Academy of International Law, the Rhodes Academy of Oceans Law and Policy in Rhodes (Greece) and the Inter-University Centre in Dubrovnik (Croatia). He was part of the expert group formed by the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Croatia which prepared the legal positions of Croatia in the arbitral proceedings against the Republic of Slovenia regarding the maritime and land boundary between the two states.


Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

The Future Treaty on Marine Biological Diversity beyond National Jurisdiction, Protected Areas and Freedom of Navigation in the Context of the "Maritime Silk Road"

Šošić, Trpimir M.

The Protection of the Cultural Heritage on the Deep Seabed in International Law – Can the "Titanic" Be Saved?

Šošić, Trpimir Mihael
Pravni vjesnik

Some Aspects of the Duty to Render Assistance at Sea in the Context of Migrations at Sea

Šošić, Trpimir Mihael

An Essay, a Bibliography and an Institute in North Germany

Šošić, Trpimir M.
Deutsch als Fachsprache in der kroatischen Rechstkultur: Rechtsgeschichtliche, rechtsvergleichende, kulturelle und sprachwissenschaftliche Einblicke

Navigational Rights according to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and the Maritime Zones of the Republic of Croatia

Šošić, Trpimir M.
Zagrebačka pravna revija

International Law Aspects of Interstate Cooperation in Combating Migrant Smuggling by Sea

Šošić, Trpimir Mihael
Godišnjak Akademije pravnih znanosti Hrvatske = Yearbook Croatian Academy of Legal Sciences

Refugees at Sea: Jurisdictional Variances in Light of the Convention on the Law of the Sea and the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees

Šošić, Trpimir Mihael
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu

International Law Aspects of Interstate Cooperation in Combating Migrant Smuggling by Sea

Šošić, Trpimir Mihael
Znanstveni skup Akademije pravnih znanosti Hrvatske "Međunarodno kazneno pravo – naslijeđe i novi izazovi"

The 24-Mile Archaeological Zone : Abandoned or Confirmed?

Šošić, Trpimir Mihael

The 2001 UNESCO Convention and the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage in the Adriatic and Ionian Seas

Šošić, Trpimir Mihael
International Conference "Governance of the Adriatic and Ionian Marine Space"

Navigational Rights under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea in the Context of the 'Maritime Silk Road'

Šošić, Trpimir Mihael
International Conference on Developing the Synergy between the Belt and Road Initiative and 16+1 Cooperation

State Jurisdiction regarding Refugees at Sea: the Interplay between International Refugee Law and the International Law of the Sea

Šošić, Trpimir Mihael
Znanstveni skup povodom 240. godišnjice postojanja Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, "Suvremene migracije: pravni i institucionalni aspekti"

Contemporary Developments in International Law : Essays in Honour of Budislav Vukas


The Boundaries of the Republic of Croatia at Sea

Seršić, Maja ; Šošić, Trpimir Mihael

Can the co-operation mechanism of the 2001 UNESCO Convention facilitate the effective protection of the underwater cultural heritage on the continental shelf and in the exclusive economic zone?

Šošić, Trpimir Mihael
International Scientific Conference "Transfrontier Issues in the 21st Century"

Interpretative Declarations to Treaties

Šošić, Trpimir Mihael
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu

The Concept of Cultural Heritage – an International Law Perspective

Šošić, Trpimir Mihael
Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu

The Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage in International Law

Šošić, Trpimir Mihael

The Common Heritage of Mankind and the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage

Šošić, Trpimir Mihael

International Law: New Actors, New Concepts - Continuing Dilemmas. Liber Amicorum Božidar Bakotić


The UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage and the Jurisdiction of States in the Adriatic Sea

Šošić, Trpimir Mihael
Znanstveni skup „Izazovi i perspektive u pomorskom pravu i pravu mora: interesi Republike Hrvatske“ ; Jadranski zavod HAZU

The Jurisdiction of Coastal States and the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage in the Adriatic Sea

Šošić, Trpimir Mihael
Znanstveni skup „Jadransko more na putu u Europsku uniju: pitanja ribarstva, zaštite mora, jurisdikcije i razgraničenja“

Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage

Šošić, Trpimir Mihael
"ZERP" - Gospodarski pojas: pitanja ribarstva, zaštite okoliša i razgraničenja na Jadranu o 25-godišnjici Konvencije UN o pravu

Reservations and interpretative declarations to treaties

Šošić, Trpimir Mihael

Public international law - a selection of documents


State Succession and Membership in the United Nations

Šošić, Trpimir Mihael
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu

Professional memberships

Association Internationale du Droit de la Mer (AssIDMer)

International Law Association (individual member)

Croatian Society of International Law