prof. dr. sc. Romana Matanovac Vučković
prof. dr. sc.
Romana Matanovac Vučković

Main Fields of Research: Civil Law, Croatian and European Intellectual Property Law


Academic and Professional Career:

Studied law at the Faculty of Law University of Zagreb, graduate study (1992-1998) – equal to LLM. In 2010 completed postgraduate doctoral study in civil law sciences at the Faculty of Law University of Zagreb, doctoral thesis “Transfer and License of a Trademark in the Context of the Alignment of the Croatian Law with the European Law”. Scholarship holder at the Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property, Competition and Tax Law in Munich (2006, 2007). In 2001 passed State judiciary exam before the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Croatia. Passed the exam for patent and trademark representative in the Republic of Croatia (2007). European patent representative since 2008.

Joined the Faculty of Law University of Zagreb in 2003 as assistant at the Chair of Civil Law (2003-2005, 2008-2010). As of 2011 occupies the position of associate professor at the Chair of Civil Law where teaches Civil Law and Intellectual Property Law. At the Academy for Drama and the Music Academy of the University of Zagreb teaches Copyright Law and Audio-visual Media Law.

Acted as legal advisor in the Croatian Composers’ Society-Collecting Society (2001-2003), deputy director general of the State Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Croatia (2005-2008), president of the Boards of Appeal in the Field of Industrial Property Rights in the Republic of Croatia (2007-2013), president of the Council of Experts for the Remunerations in the Field of Copyright and Related Rights in the Republic of Croatia (2005-2009). Acted as legal expert in many projects of legal assistance in the region (Kosovo, Albania, Montenegro). Acted as legal expert in many project on technology transfer at the University of Zagreb.

Active in number of working groups responsible for drafting various legislative acts in the Republic of Croatia in the field of intellectual property rights and audio-visual media. Member of the working group 7 (intellectual property rights) and 26 (education and culture) of the negotiations team of the Republic of Croatia for the accession to the EU.


Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

Intellectual Property Management in a Public Research Organization

Matanovac, Vučković Romana ; Mišević, Petar ; Kanceljak, Ivana ; Kikelj, Matija ; Mišević, Dominik

Management of intellectual property in organization

Matanovac Vučković, Romana ; Mišević, Petar ; Kanceljak, Ivana ; Kikelj, Matija ; Mišević, Dominik

Right in databases and open data policies - convergence or conflict

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
International Conference on Open Data ICOD2022

Overview of cultural development and cultural policies in Republic of Croatia


Cultural policies on the road towards sustainability

Matanovac Vučković, Romana ; Uzelac, Aleksandra ; Vidović, Dea

Introduction into the cultural policy areas

Matanovac Vučković, Romanana ; Uzelac, Aleksandra ; Vidović, Dea

Intellectual property in the intellectual capital of the company

Matanovac Vučković, Romana ; Mišević, Dominik

The Effectiveness of the Press Publishers’ Related Right

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Iic-international review of intellectual property and competition law

Is It Time for New Data Governance?

Matanovac Vučković, Romana ; Kanceljak, Ivana ; Jurić, Marko
44th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO 2021)

Cultural Heritage Institutions during and after the Pandemic - The Copyright Perspective

Matanovac Vučković, Romana ; Kanceljak, Ivana ; Jurić, Marko
EU and comparative law issues and challenges series

The context of regulating press publishers rights in Directive (EU) 2019/790

Matanovac Vučković, Romana ; Begić, Ivan
Zagrebačka pravna revija

Security Rights in Intellectual Property in Croatia

Matanovac Vučković, Romana ; Ernst, Hano ; Gliha, Igor


Matanovac Vučković, Romana

Economic Potential of Creative and Cultural Content in the Digital Single Market – Challenges for the Future of the Copyright Law in the European Union

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
The Legal Framework for Economic Competitiveness: Sixth Bosnian Herzegovinian, Croatian and Turkish Jurist Days

Does the right to use digital content affect our digital inheritance?

Matanovac Vučković, Romana ; Kanceljak, Ivana
International Scientific Conference EU and Member States – legal and economic issues 2019

The right to reuse public sector information versus copyright and related rights - conflict of public and private law principles

Matanovac Vučković, Romana ; Kanceljak, Ivana
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu

Legal protection of Industrial Property Rights

Matanovac Vučković, Romana

Pre-contractual informing of guarantors in consumer loans

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu

Notification as an Element of Assignment of a Receivables

Matanovac Vučković, Romana ; Trkanjec, Matej
Zagrebačka pravna revija = Zagreb law review

Remunerations for Authors and Other Creators in Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu

Implementation of Directive 2014/26/EU on Collective Management and Multi-Territorial Licensing of Musical Rights in Regulating the Tariff-Setting Systems in Central and Eastern Europe

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Iic-international review of intellectual property and competition law

Copyright and related rights in music - some reflections on the present and the future

Matanovac Vučković, Romana ; Maratović, Hrvoje
Zbornik Hrvatskog društva za autorsko pravo

Relationship between organizations for collective excercizing of copyright and copyright holders with copyright holders and users

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
XVII. međunarodno savjetovanje Hrvatskog društva za autorsko pravo i IV. međunarodna autorska kreativna konferencija - MAKK

Intellectual Property Rights in Science and Research

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Medical Information Conference Croatia – MICC 2016, Intelektualno vlasništvo u biomedicini – u procijepu između općeg dobra i materijalnog interesa, lipanj 2016., u organizaciji: Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu

International Copyright and Recent Developments

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
WIPO - Croatia Summer School on Intellectual Property, u organizaciji: World Intellectual Property Organization, Državni zavod za intelektualno vlasništvo i Sveučilište u Zagrebu

Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
WIPO - Croatia Summer School on Intellectual Property, u organizaciji: World Intellectual Property Organization, Državni zavod za intelektualno vlasništvo i Sveučilište u Zagrebu

Emerging Issues in the Digital Environment

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
WIPO - Croatia Summer School on Intellectual Property, u organizaciji: World Intellectual Property Organization, Državni zavod za intelektualno vlasništvo i Sveučilište u Zagrebu

How to Protect Research and Development Results: Review of Intellectual Property Rights

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Radionica Upravljanje intelektualnim vlasništvom u podršci razvoju inovacija, u organizaciji: Veterinarski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu

Intellectual Property Management in a Public Research Organization

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Radionica Upravljanje intelektualnim vlasništvom u podršci razvoju inovacija, u organizaciji: Veterinarski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu

Introductory Presentation of the New Postgraduate University Interdisciplinary Studies Intellectual Property

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Tribina Inovacije i transfer tehnologije – poticaj gospodarskoga razvoja Hrvatske, Stručna rasprava: Obrazovanje u području intelektualnog vlasništva, u organizaciji: Sveučilište u Zagrebu i Hrvatska akademija znanosti I umjetnosti

Intellectual Property System and the Need for Eduation in the Field of Intellectual Property

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Okrugli stol: Zaštita intelektualnog vlasništva, u organizaciji: Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti

The Role of Collective Organizations in New Business Models - Challenges for the Legislature and Courts

Matanovac Vučković, Romana

Exceptions and Limitations to Copyright and Related Rights: Ongoing Debates

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
WIPO - Croatia Summer School on Intellectual Property, u organizaciji: World Intellectual Property Organization, Državni zavod za intelektualno vlasništvo i Sveučilište u Zagrebu

Computer programs in between copyright, contract and consumer protection law – a Croatian perspective

Gliha, Igor ; Matanovac Vučković, Romana

New Business Models in the Collective Realization of Copyright Music Rights

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
XVI. međunarodno savjetovanje Hrvatskog društva za autorsko pravo i III. međunarodna autorska kreativna konferencija

Introduction to collective excercising of copyright and related rights in Croatia

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Conference on Collective Management in the Text and Image Sector, u organizaciji: Društvo hrvatskih književnika, Udruga za zaštitu prava nakladnika – ZANA i International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organisations – IFRRO

The Role of Collective Management Organizations in New Business Models

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
ALAI International Congress, Day 2: Business models for today and options for the future, Session 2: Challenges for the Legislature and Courts, u organizaciji Association littéraire et artistique internationale-ALAI Germany

Everything you ever wanted to ask about innovations

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
BISTEC Inovacijska konferencija, završni skup u okviru projekta BISTEC – Building Innovation Support Through Efficient Cooperation Network, u organizaciji: Sveučilište u Zagrebu

General Concepts and Principles in Intellectual Property

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Radionica „Upravljanje intelektualnim vlasništvom u znanosti i istraživanju – društvene i humanističke znanosti i umjetničko područje“ u sklopu projekta BISTEC, u organizaciji: Sveučilište u Zagreb

Intellectual Property Management in Social and Human Sciences and in the Art Field

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Radionica „Upravljanje intelektualnim vlasništvom u znanosti i istraživanju – društvene i humanističke znanosti i umjetničko područje“ u sklopu projekta BISTEC, u organizaciji: Sveučilište u Zagreb

Intellectual Property Management at an Institution

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Radionica „Upravljanje intelektualnim vlasništvom u znanosti i istraživanju – društvene i humanističke znanosti i umjetničko područje“ u sklopu projekta BISTEC, u organizaciji: Sveučilište u Zagreb

Alternative Licensing Contracts in Croatian Copyright Legislation

Gliha, Igor ; Matanovac Vučković, Romana

Regional and EU Challenges in the Field of Trademarks - National Report Croatia

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Društveni ogledi

How to Protect the Results of Scientific Research - an Overview of Intellectual Property Law

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
 Radionica „Upravljanje intelektualnim vlasništvom u znanosti i istraživanju – biološke znanosti, biotehnologija i biomedicina“ u sklopu projekta BISTEC, u organizaciji: Sveučilište u Zagrebu

Intellectual Property Management in a Public Research Organization

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Radionica „Upravljanje intelektualnim vlasništvom u znanosti i istraživanju – biološke znanosti, biotehnologija i biomedicina“ u sklopu projekta BISTEC, u organizaciji: Sveučilište u Zagrebu

How to Protect the Results of Scientific Research - an Overview of Intellectual Property Law

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Radionica „Upravljanje intelektualnim vlasništvom u znanosti i istraživanju – tehničke i prirodne znanosti“ u sklopu projekta BISTEC, veljača 2014., u organizaciji: Sveučilište u Zagrebu, izlaganja:

Intellectual Property Management in a Public Research Organization

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Radionica „Upravljanje intelektualnim vlasništvom u znanosti i istraživanju – tehničke i prirodne znanosti“ u sklopu projekta BISTEC, u organizaciji: Sveučilište u Zagrebu

Regional and EU Challenges on the Field of Trademarks - Croatia

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
International Scientific Conference on Regional and EU Intellectual Properties Challenges

Trademarsk Subject to Execution - Bridging the Undrerregulation?

Matanovac Vučković, Romana ; Ernst, Hano
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci

Unfair clauses in a license contract

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Nepoštene ugovorne odredbe : europski standardi i hrvatska provedba

International Business and Intellectual Property

Matanovac Vučković
Seminar – Vodič ICC za izvoz i uvoz – Globalni standardi međunarodne trgovine

Tariffs’ Setting in Collective Management and Dispute Resolution Systems in the European Union

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
XIV. savjetovanje Hrvatskog društva za autorsko pravo

Overview on tariffs’ setting, arbitration and dispute resolution systems in Central and Eastern Europe

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
CISAC Seminar on collective management best practices and good governance and relationship between supervisory bodies and collective management organizations in Central and Eastern Europe

Industrial Property Rights and the University – Suggestions for the Improvement of the Legal Framework

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Okrugli stol „Upravljanje intelektualnim vlasništvom na sveučilištu“

Models of IP Institutional Policies in the Sub-Region

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Sub-regional workshop „Working together for promoting Innovation and knowledge transfer in the sub-region u organizaciji: WIPO – World Intellectual Property Office, Državni zavod za intelektualno vlasništvo i Sveučilište u Zagrebu

Industrial Property at University – Proposals for the Improvement of the Legal Framework

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Okrugli stol Znanstvenog vijeća za državnu upravu, pravosuđe i vladavinu prava Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti: "Intelektualno vlasništvo i sveučilište"

Collective and Individual Management of Copyright and Related Rights

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Kongres o intelektualnom vlasništvu u organizaciji Intelekta

Trademarks Subject to Execution - Bridging the Underregulation?

Matanovac Vučković, Romana ; Ernst, Hano
IX. međunarodno savjetovanje pravnika "Petar Simonetti (vlasništvo - obveze - postupak)", u organizaciji: Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci, u suradnji s Visokim upravnim sudom RH i Hrvatskom javnobilježničkom komorom

1. Review of Intellectual Property Rights 2. Management of Intellectual Property Rights in Creative Industries 3, Management of Intellectual Property Rights in Social and Humanistic Sciences

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Ciklus seminara „Intelektualno vlasništvo na sveučilištu“, u organizaciji: Sveučilište u Zagrebu

Industrial Property at University – Proposals for the Improvement of the Legal Framework

Matanovac Vučković, Romana

Research and Development and the Accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union

Matanovac Vučković, Romana ; Petrović, Siniša

Rights over invention which can be object of enforcement – Croatian, European and international perspective

Matanovac Vučković, Romana ; Ernst, Hano
Nova pravna revija

Statute of limitations in intellectual property

Gliha, Igor ; Matanovac Vučković, Romana

Dissemination and Management of Works of Authorship on the Internet

Gliha, Igor ; Matanovac Vučković, Romana ; Katulić, Tihomir

Security of Claims by Transfer of Rights - Ambiguities and Imperfections

Ernst, Hano ; Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci

The Role of the Registry in the Transfer of Trademark Based on the Contract

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu

Distinctive Character as a Prerequisite for Trade Mark Registration

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu

Accesorrity of a Trade Mark in Property Right Dispositions

Matanovac Vučković, Romana

Liability for legal defects: country report Croatia

Matanovac Vučković, Romana ; Kuštrak Managić, Iva

Copyright and Related Rights in the “Cloud” Environment

Matanovac Vučković, Romana ; Kunda, Ivana ; Kuštrak Managić, Iva ; Jurić, Marko ; Katulić, Tihomir

Intellectual Property in the Single European Market

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Ciklus tribina Kluba pravnika grada Zagreba

Proposal for a Directive on collective management of copyright and related rights

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
XIII. savjetovanje Hrvatskog društva za autorsko pravo

Intellectual Property and the Internal Market of the European Union

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Ciklus predavanja Europska pravna kultura i praksa, u organizaciji: Hrvatska odvjetnička komora

Accessority of a Trade Mark in Property Right Dispositions

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
First South East European (SEE) Post-Doc Colloquium in Private Law

Technology Transfer from Universities to Economy – Croatian Experience

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Pravne i infrastrukturne osnove za razvoj ekonomije zasnovane na znanju

Security of Claims by Transfer of Rights

Ernst, Hano ; Matanovac Vučković, Romana
XVIII. međunarodno savjetovanje pravnika "Petar Simonetti (vlasništvo - obveze - postupak)", u organizaciji: Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci, u suradnji s Visokim upravnim sudom RH i Hrvatskom javnobilježničkom komorom

Comparative Analysis of Acts Regulating Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights in the Region

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Panel o kolektivnom ostvarivanju autorskog i srodnih prava, u organizaciji: Copyright Centar "Sine Qua Non"

Unfair Clauses in Licensing Contracts

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Znanstvena konferencija: Nepoštene ugovorne odredbe: europski standardi i hrvatska provedba, u organizaciji: Zavod za europsko i usporedno pravo, Hrvatska udruga za poredbeno pravo i Pravosudna akademija

Introductory lecture in the Panel EHEA, ERA and ERIT Triangle- From the Regional Perspective

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Final conference: Linking Education - Research- Innovation - A Tool for Crisis?, u organizaciji: Sveučilište u Zagrebu

1. Review of Intellectual Property Rights 2. Management of Intellectual Property Rights in Creative Industries 3, Management of Intellectual Property Rights in Social and Humanistic Sciences

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Ciklus seminara „Intelektualno vlasništvo na sveučilištu“, u organizaciji: Sveučilište u Zagrebu

Introductory lecture: Comparative Analysis of Acts Regulating Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights in the Region

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Stručni panel o kolektivnom ostvarivanju autorskog i srodnih prava, u organizaciji: Copyright Centar "Sine Qua Non"

Technology Transfer from Universities to Economy

Matanovac Vučković, Romana ; Blašković, B.(ur.)

Substantive Law and Conflict of Laws Regulation of the Intellectual Property Created in the Course of Employment

Matanovac Vučković, Romana ; Kunda, Ivana
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci

Croatia and Macedonia in the European Patent System

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu

The Principles of the Legal Regulation of the Community Trade Mark System

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Pravo i privreda - časopis za privrednopravnu teoriju i praksu

Legal Status of Copyright Works Created in the Employment Relationship at University

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Zbornik Hrvatskog društva za autorsko pravo

Some Reflections on Directive 2006/123/EC on Services in the Internal Market and Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Zbornik Hrvatskog društva za autorsko pravo

Expansion and Contraction of Copyright: Subject Matter, Scope, Remedies

Matanovac Vučković, Romana

1. Report on the Recent Judgments of the European Court of Justice 2. Selected Aspects of the Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights in the Region

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Regionalni okrugli stol društava za kolektivno ostvarivanje autorskih prava, u orgaznizaciji: ZAMP Makedonija

Copyright Works Created in the Course of Work at University

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
XII. međunarodno savjetovanje Hrvatskog društva za autorsko pravo,

1. An Introduction to Intellectual Property 2. Copyright in Communication Activities 3. Intellectual Property in Europe and in the World – HR Status upon the Accession to the EU

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
12. konferencija za odnose s javnošću

1. An Introduction to Intellectual Property 2. Trademarks 3. Trademarks – Case Study 4. Industrial Designs 5. Copyright and Related Rights 6. Copyright and Related Rights – Case Study

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Ciklus radionica u projektu TEMPUS OPUS "Opening University towards Society: Linking Education- Research-Innovation", organizator: Sveučilište u Zagrebu

1. Copyright at University in the Field of Art, Including Design 2. Copyright at University in Social and Humanistic Sciences

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Ciklus seminara „Intelektualno vlasništvo na sveučilištu“, u organizaciji: Sveučilište u Zagrebu

1. Legal Aspects of R&D Cooperation, Contracts and Intellectual Property 2. Intellectual Property in Creative Industries

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Ciklus seminara o poduzetničkim vještinama "Od znanstvene ideje do uspješne tvrtke", u organizaciji: Sveučilišta u Zagrebu

Transactions concerning the Copyright in Computer Programs: Substantive and Conflict of Laws Aspects

Kunda, Ivana ; Matanovac-Vučković, Romana
Savjetovanje pravnika "Vlasništvo – obveze – postupak" (16 ; 2010)

Transfer and License of a Trade Mark in the Context of the Alignment of Croatian Law with the European Law

Matanovac Vučković, Romana

Impact of Directive 2006/123/EC on Services in the Internal Market on the Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
XI. savjetovanje Hrvatskog društva za autorsko pravo

1. Contemporary Issues in the Field of Copyright and Related Rights, 2. International Protection of Copyright and Related Rights 3. Exceptions and Limitations of Copyright Including Access to Copyright Works for Visually Impaired Persons 4. Selected Cases on the Copyright in the Digital Environment (simulation exercise)

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
IPR - International Summer School, u organizaciji: World Intellectual Property Organization, Državni zavod za intelektualno vlasništvo i Sveučilište u Dubrovniku

Copyright and related rights protection in the advertising industry

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
WIPO regional roundtable on the mangement of intellectuall property rights in the advertising industry, u organizaciji: World Intellectual Property Organization i Državni zavod za intelektualno vlasništvo

Croatia and Macedonia in the European Patent System

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Zagrebačko-skopski kolokvij (međunarodna konferencija pravnika), u organizaciji: Pravni fakultet u Zagrebu

1. Industrial Property rights – general overview, 2. Patent basics, 3. Other industrial property (trademaks, industrial designs, geographical indications and domain names)

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Workshop - Basic training on intellectual property rights for the Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro, u organizaciji: Europske patentne organizacije i Gospodarske komore Crne Gore

1. Intellectual Property System in the Republic of Croatia ; 2. Copyright in the Field of Art, Including Design

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Radionica: Intelektualno vlasništvo za istraživače, u organizaciji: Sveučilište u Zagrebu

Intellectual Property System in the Republic of Croatia

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Radionica: Intelektualno vlasništvo za istraživače, u organizaciji: Sveučilište u Zagrebu

Intellectual Property System - Domestic and International Environment

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Informator : instruktivno-informativni list za ekonomska i pravna pitanja

Questionnaire ALAI Study Days The Duration of Copyright and Related Rights

Igor Gliha ; Romana Matanovac Vučković

Foreign Persons as Acquisitors of the Right of Ownership in Immovables in the Republic of Croatia, According to Amendments to the Act on Ownership and other Proprietary Rights of 2008

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Informator : instruktivno-informativni list za ekonomska i pravna pitanja

Amendments to the Acts in the Field of Industrial Property Rights after the Closure of Chapter 7, in the Negotiations between the Republic of Croatia and the European Union (Part I)

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Informator : instruktivno-informativni list za ekonomska i pravna pitanja

Amendments to the Acts in the Field of Industrial Property Rights after the Closure of Chapter 7, in the Negotiations between the Republic of Croatia and the European Union (Part II)

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Informator : instruktivno-informativni list za ekonomska i pravna pitanja

1. Country Report on Application of WIPO Internet Treaties 2. Country Report on Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights in the Digital Online Environment

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Interregional Workshop on Enforcement of Copyright in Countries in Transition, u organizaciji: State of Israel – Ministry of Justice, World Intellectual Property Office, Israeli Patent Office

Innovations and Intellectual Property

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Znanstveno - poslovni klub, u organizaciji: Poslovno inovacijski centar – BICRO, Sveučilište u Zagrebu i Hrvatska gospodarska komora

Legal Position of Foreigners as the Holders of Copyright and Related Rights

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
X. savjetovanje Hrvatskog društva za autorsko pravo

1. Appeal and Administrative Disputes in Trade Mark Registration Proceedings According to the Croatian Trade Mark Law ; 2. Case study: VZ 20080018 - 3D Trade Mark Container Nestle

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Workshop – Exchange of best practice with OHIM on specialists’ issues of Boards of Appeal, u organizaciji: Office for the harmonisation in the Internal Market i Državni zavod za intelektualno vlasništvo

1. Contemporary Issues in the Field of Copyright and Related Rights, 2. International Protection of Copyright and Related Rights 3. Selected Cases on the Right of Reproduction in the Digital Environment

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
IPR - International Summer School, u organizaciji: World Intellectual Property Organization, Državni zavod za intelektualno vlasništvo i Sveučilište u Dubrovniku

1. Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the European Patent Organization on Cooperation in the Field of Patents, 2. Croatia – Full Membership to the European Patent Organization

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Ukrainsko – hrvatski seminar o intelektualnom vlasništvu, u organizaciji: European Patent Office i Državni zavod za intelektualno vlasništvo RH

The Role of the Copyright in the Commercialization of the Results of the Scientific Research

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
TEMPUS Project OPUS-Workshop „Intellectual Property in Innovation“, međunarodna radionica, u organizaciji Sveučilišta u Zagrebu

1. Intellectual Property System in the Republic of Croatia 2. Copyright in the Field of Art, Including Design

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Seminar: Intelektualno vlasništvo za istraživače, u organizaciji: Sveučilišta u Zagrebu

1. Intellectual Property System in the Republic of Croatia 2. Copyright in Social and Humanistic Sciences from the Perspective of Right Holders and Users

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Seminar: Intelektualno vlasništvo za istraživače, u organizaciji: Sveučilišta u Zagrebu

Legal Position of Foreigners as the Holders of Copyright and Related Rights

Matanovac Vučković, Romana ; Gliga Igor
Zbornik Hrvatskog društva za autorsko pravo

Experience form an EU candidate country with the approximation of the Intellectual Property Legislation – the case of the Republic of Croatia

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Workshop - Albania and the SAA with the EU – SAA Implementation Training, u organizaciji: Institut für Europäische Politik (Berlin) i German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

Insights into the legal and institutional requirements in the field of Intellectual Property Rights Protection

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Workshop - Albania and the SAA with the EU – SAA Implementation Training, u organizaciji: Institut für Europäische Politik (Berlin) i German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

Lessons learned: negotiating the Chapter 7 on IPR – the case of the Republic of Croatia

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Workshop - Albania and the SAA with the EU – SAA Implementation Training, u organizaciji: Institut für Europäische Politik (Berlin) i German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

"From 1710 to Cyberspace", celebrating 300 years of copyright and looking to its future

Gliha, Igor ; Matanovac Vučković, Romana

The Duration of Copyright and Related Rights- National Report Croatia

Matanovac Vučković, Romana ; Gliha, Igor

"From 1710 to Cyberspace", celebrating 300 years of copyright and looking to its future- National Report Croatia

Matanovac Vučković, Romana ; Gliha, Igor

Collection of Laws in the Field of Intellectual Property Introductory Study “Intellectual Property and Accession to the European Union – Amendments to the Laws of 2007 (pp. 3 -77), Consolidated Texts of Laws and Regulations (copyright, patent, trademark, industrial design, topographies, indications), subject matter contents

Matanovac Vučković, Romana

European Union and IPR - The Perspective from a Candidate Country : The Republic of Croatia

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Workshop on Industrial Property Rights for European Neighbouring Countries, u organizaciji : European Commission i European Patent Organisation

Relations between Copyright, Cultural Heritage Protection Regulations and Cultural Diversity

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
ALAI Conference 2008 (međunarodna konferencija), u organizaciji: ALAI-Hrvatska

1. Copyright and Related Rights 2. Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights 3. International Protection of Copyright and Related Rights 4. Exhaustion of Intellectual Property Rights

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
IPR - International Summer School, u organizaciji: World Intellectual Property Organization, Državni zavod za intelektualno vlasništvo i Sveučilište u Dubrovniku

Unregistered Intellectual Property Rights (Copyright, Databases, Computer Programs, Unregistered Trademarks, Topographies of Semiconductors)

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
European Union 6th Framework Program Project IP4INNO, u organizaciji: European Comission i Ministarstvo gospodarstva, rada i poduzetništva RH

Intellectual Property Rights in the Republic of Croatia and European Union

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
BIZImpact – CARDS projekt za informiranje poslovne zajednice, u organizaciji: European Comission i Ministarstvo gospodarstva, rada i poduzetništva RH

Measurement of the Infringements of Intellectual Property Rights - Study of the Improvement of the Methodologies for Statistical Data Collection

Matanovac Vučković, Romana i dr.

Measurement of Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights - Study on the Improvement of Statistical Data Collection Methodology

Matanovac Vučković, Romana ; Topić, Željko ; Rogić- Hadžalić, Dubravka

Community Trademark and Community Design – Basic Characteristics and the Position in the 2007 Amendments to the Croatian Acts

Kunda, Ivana ; Matanovac, Romana
Novele zakona u području prava intelektualnog vlasništva iz 2007. godine : Kolektivno ostvarivanje autorskog i srodnih prava

Contradiction between the intellectual property rights and freedom of movements of goods, services and competition on the internal market

Matanovac Vučković, Romana

Perspective of developement of legal framework for collective management of copyright and related rights in the light of the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European union as an open Question

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Zbornik Hrvatskog društva za autorsko pravo

The Territorial Aspect of the Principle of Exhaustion of Trademark Rights in European and Croatian Law

Matanovac Vučković, Romana

Amendments to the Copyright and Related Rights Act of 2007 - the Result of the Second Phase in the Alignment with the Acquis Communautaire of the European Union in the Field of Intellectual Property Rights

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Informator : instruktivno-informativni list za ekonomska i pravna pitanja

Amendments to the Laws on Industrial Property Rights as the Result of the Second Phase in the Alignment with the Acquis Communautaire of the European Union in the Field of Intellectual Property Rights

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Informator : instruktivno-informativni list za ekonomska i pravna pitanja

Provisional Measures in the Amendments to the Copyright and Related Rights Act of 2007: Adaptation of the Croatian Law to the European Law

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Aktualnosti hrvatskog zakonodavstva i pravne prakse

Copyright in the Light of the Technology Evolution

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
7. okrugli stol o slobodnom pristupu informacijama

1. Exhaustion of Rights According to Amendments to the Acts of 2007 2. Appeal and Judicial Competence in the Procedures for the Grant of Industrial Property Rights according to the Amendments of Acts of 2007 3. Perspective of the Development of the Legal Framework for the Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights in the Light of the Accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union as an Open Question

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Savjetovanje Državnog zavoda za intelektualno vlasništvo, Narodnih Novina i Hrvatskog društva za autorsko pravo

Provisional Measures in Amendments to the Copyright and Related Rights Act of 2007: Adaptation of the Croatian Law to the European Law

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Savjetovanje Hrvatskog društva za građanskopravne znanosti i praksu

Copyright Protection of Software in the Republic of Croatia

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Savjetovanje u okviru projekta CARDS 2003, u organizaciji: Državnog zavoda za intelektualno vlasništvo i Europske patentne organizacije

Development of the Croatian Intellectual Property System including the Patent Cooperation Treaty

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
WIPO / SIPO Seminar on the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)

Economic Contribution of Copyright-Based Industries to the Economy of the Republic of Croatia

Matanovac, Romana ; Topić, Željko ; Bregeš Gorjan, Maja ; Škegro Vdović, Matija

Legal lexicon - number of encyclopedia entries in the field of succession and copyright law

Matanovac Vučković, Romana

Amendments to the Act on Copyright and Related Rights from 2007

Matanovac Vučković, Romana ; Gliha, Igor

The Effects of Croatia's Accession to the European Union on the Legal Position of Authors and Performers

Gliha, Igor ; Matanovac Vučković, Romana

Civil law enforcement of intellectual property rights in relation to Directive 2004/48/EC on the enforcement of intellectual property rights - status analysis and announcement of changes

Matanovac, Romana

(26) Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in the Croatian Criminal and Misdemeanour Laws : Legislation, Judicial Practice and Harmonization with the European Law

Josipović, Ivo ; Matanovac Vučković, Romana

Intellectual Property System - National and International Environment

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Svečana akademija povodom 15. godišnjice Državnog zavoda za intelektualno vlasništvo

Right to Remuneration for the Reproduction for Private or Other Personal Use

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
VIII. savjetovanje Hrvatskog društva za autorsko pravo i Narodnih Novina

1. Civil Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in Relation to Directive 2004/48/EC on the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights - Analysis of the State and Announcement of Changes 2. Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in the Croatian Criminal and Misdemeanor Laws: Legislation, Judicial Practice and Adaptation to the European Law 3. Case Study from the SIPO Practice in the Granting Procedures and the Procedures for the Declaration of Nullity of the Decisions on the Grant of Rights

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Savjetovanje Državnog zavoda za intelektualno vlasništvo i Narodnih Novina

Criminal Law Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in the Light of the Accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Seminar „Zaštita intelektualnog vlasništva“, u organizaciji: Policijska akademija

Registers of Intellectual Property Rights

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Savjetovanje Narodnih novina „Hrvatsko registarsko pravo“

Introduction to the Croatian Intellectual Property Legislation and the Role of the State Intellectual Property Office

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Radionica za pravosudne djelatnike u RH, u organizaciji: Pravosudna akademija Ministarstva pravosuđa

The Right to Remuneration for the Reproduction for Private or Other Personal Use in the Legislation, Practice and Legal Science of the Selected States

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Zbornik Hrvatskog društva za autorsko pravo

Registers of the Intellectual Property Rights

Matanovac Vučković, Romana ; Rački Marinković, Ana

Civil Patent Protection Pursuant to the Law on Patents

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Zbornik radova. Aktualnosti građanskog i trgovačkog zakonodavstva i pravne prakse

Pictura in Roman Law and Contemporary Private Law Systems

Petrak, Marko ; Matanovac, Romana
Zbornik Hrvatskog društva za autorsko pravo

Impact of Directive 2004/48/EZ on the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights on the Croatian Copyright Law and Order

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
VII. međunarodno savjetovanje o autorskom pravu i srodnim pravima Hrvatskog društva za autorsko pravo i Narodnih Novina

Frequent Infringements of Copyright and Related Rights by the Import (and Export)

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Seminar „Glazbena industrija i piratstvo“, u organizaciji: Hrvatska diskografska udruga i Međunarodna udruga proizvođača fonograma (IFPI)

Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
CARDS – Intellectual Property Croatia 2001 i Pravosudna akademija Ministarstva pravosuđa RH, Zagreb

Impact of the Directive 2004/48/EC on the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights on the Croatian Copyright Law and Order

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Zbornik Hrvatskog društva za autorsko pravo

Changes is Succession Law

Matanovac Vučković, Romana

Contract penalty under the General Terms and Conditions of Use of a Public Parking Lot

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Aktualnosti hrvatskog zakonodavstva i pravne prakse Aktualnosti hrvatskog zakonodavstva i pravne prakse

Theoretical basis of civil law, Civil law and affiliation of Croatian legal order with the continetal-european legal family

Gavella, Nikola ; Alinčić, Mira ; Klarić, Petar ; Sajko, Krešimir ; Tumbri, Tanja ; Stipkovic, Zlatan ; Josipović, Tatjana ; Gliha, Igor ; Matanovac, Romana ; Ernst, Hano

Civil Law Protection of Copyright and Related Rights

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
VI. međunarodno savjetovanje o autorskom pravu i srodnim pravima Hrvatskog društva za autorsko pravo i Narodnih Novina

Civil Law Aspects of Business Capacity

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Savjetovanje Hrvatskog društva za građanskopravne znanosti i praksu

Music Copyright and Related Rights in Croatia

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Svjetski kongres Muzičke omladine

Frequent Infringements of Intellectual Property Rights in the Music Industry

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
CARDS 2003 – Regional, Copyright

1. Legal Transactions of Copyright and Related Rights, 2. Content and Time Limitations of Copyright and Related Rights, 3. Individual and Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Radionica za suce trgovačkih sudova, u organizaciji: Hrvatsko društvo za autorsko pravo

Copyright in Computer Programmes and Civil Protection

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Savjetovanje o autorskopravnoj zaštiti kompjutorskih programa, u organizaciji: BSA, HDAP, Državni inspektorat i APAW

Creators’ rights in Croatia

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Creators' forum - international workshop on copyright and creators' rights

Some Questions of Life Maintenance Contract and Copyright as Its Subject

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu

Copyright Inheritance

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu

Civil Protection of Copyright and Related Rights

Matanovac Vučković, Romana ; Blažević, Boris ; Parać Kamelija
Zbornik Hrvatskog društva za autorsko pravo

Civil Law Aspects of Business Capacity

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Zbornik radova. Aktualnosti građanskog i trgovačkog zakonodavstva i pravne prakse

Novelties in Civil Procedure (review)

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Hrvatska pravna revija

Individual and Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
V. međunarodno savjetovanje o autorskom pravu i srodnim pravima Hrvatskog društva za autorsko pravo

Cable Retransmission Right

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
IV. međunarodno savjetovanje o autorskom pravu i srodnim pravima Hrvatskog društva za autorsko pravo

Croatia – Copyright Protection of Audiovisual Works and Legal Regulation of Media

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
International Conference - Freelancers Rights in Culture and Media

Croatia – Legislation in Cultural Sector

Matanovac Vučković, Romana
Strategic Workshop on Legislation in Cultural Sector, u organizaciji: Council of Europe