prof. dr. sc. Olja Družić Ljubotina
prof. dr. sc.
Olja Družić Ljubotina

Olja Družić Ljubotina was born in Zagreb, Croatia in 1970. She graduated from the Faculty of Law, Department of Social Work, University of Zagreb in 1996.  She acquired MA at Department of Sociology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb in 2004. and PhD at Faculty of Law, Department of Social Work, University of Zagreb with thesis “Attribution for poverty and some psychosocial characteristics of social assistance recipients“ in 2009.

In 2017. she was elected to the academic title associate professor in the field of social sciences.

Since October 2000 she is employed at Department of Social Work of Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb as assistant. She is a member of research team for UNICEF project „Poverty and material well-being of preschool children in Republic of Croatia” since 2012. Previously she participated in research for several scientific research projects financed by Ministry of Science, Education and Sport, „Social Policy and Social Work in Croatia” (2000-2004) guided by Professor emeritus Vlado Puljiz, „Models of Action and Evaluation Researches in Social Work” (2004-2006) and “Children, youth, family and social development of Croatia” (2006-2012) guided by professor Marina Ajduković, PhD.

She has taught  courses at the undergraduate level  (Social work with group and Poverty and social work), course at the postgraduate doctoral study Social work and social policy (Social problems and social risks) and course at the postgraduate specialist study Children's rights (Poverty and children) at the Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb.

She participated in working groups for drafting proposal texts of several laws and documents in the field of social policy and social work activities.

Her research expertise is poverty and social exclusion and social work with groups. She is a member of Croatian Chamber of Social Workers, Croatian Association of Social Workers, Society for Psychological Assistance, Volunteers' Centre Zagreb and Rehabilitation center for stress and trauma.



Graduation year: 1996 graduation year: 2004

PhD graduation year: 2009

Employed since: 2000


Public phone number:
4895 800, 4895 872 Internal phone number:
4895 872
Nazorova 51, soba 21
Theory and Methods of Social Work
Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

Quality of Services for the Homeless from the Perspective of Users of Shelters and Over-night Lodgings

Družić Ljubotina, Olja ; Kletečki Radović, Marijana ; Ogresta, Jelena
Bogoslovska smotra

Are children in Croatia equal in the realization of their basic rights?

Družić Ljubotina, Olja
Socijalna nepravda i brzorastuće socijalne nejednakosti u Hrvatskoj. Centar za demokraciju i pravo Miko Tripalo

The role of social services in the community with a focus on specific user groups

Družić Ljubotina, Olja
Okrugli stol "Socijalne usluge u borbi protiv siromaštva", Gradski ured za socijalnu zaštitu, zdravstvo, branitelje i osobe s invaliditetom

Do children in Croatia have equal access to basic rights?

Družić Ljubotina, Olja
Godišnja konferencija o ljudskim pravima. Kuća ljudskih prava.

How do we care for the homeless? A view from the perspective of shelter and overnight accommodation users

Kletečki Radović, Marijana ; Družić Ljubotina, Olja ; Ogresta, Jelena
16. Nacionalna konferencija o beskućništvu - Nova perspektiva za beskućništvo

Poverty and inequality of children in the education system

Družić Ljubotina, Olja
. Konferencija „Hrvatska može bolje: Ima načina, kada ima volje", Godišnja konferencija GOOD inicijative o obrazovanju

Challenges in synergies of social and educational policies in regard to poverty

Družić Ljubotina, Olja
ARISE: Regional policy lab

The attitude of the public and experts towards the homeless

Družić Ljubotina, Olja ; Kletečki Radović, Marijana ; Ogresta, Jelena
16. Nacionalna konferencija o beskućništvu - Nova perspektiva za beskućništvo

The experience of social injustice: a psychosocial perspective

Ljubotina, Damir ; Družić Ljubotina, Olja

Equality Data Collection Practices in Croatia.

Petričušić, Antonija ; Družić Ljubotina, Olja ; Willis, Craig
4. međunarodni znanstveni skup u ciklusu Sociolingvistički pristupi u slavenskim jezicima

The quality of services for the homeless from the perspective of shelter and overnight shelter users

Družić Ljubotina, Olja ; Kletečki Radović, Marijana ; Ogresta, Jelena
Bogoslovska smotra

Do children who live in poverty have equal access to education?

Družić Ljubotina, Olja
Ljetopis socijalnog rada

Some Indicators of Psychologic Wellbeing of Mothers from Single parent Families

Galić, Romana ; Družić Ljubotina, Olja ; Sušac, Nika
Socijalna psihijatrija

Child poverty – effects and protective factors

Dragičević, Tatjana ; Družić Ljubotina, Olja
Pravnik : časopis za pravna i društvena pitanja

Deep Dive Analysis of Policies, Programs, Services, Sources of Financing and Mechanisms Aimed at Preventing Poverty and Social Exclusion of Children in Croatia - The Basis for the Development of the National Action Plan for the Implementation of the European Child Guarantee in Croatia

Dobrotić, Ivana ; Družić Ljubotina, Olja ; Kletečki Radović, Marijana ; Buković, Nikola

Equality Data Collection Practices in Croatia

Petričušić, Antonija ; Družić Ljubotina, Olja ; Willis, Craig

Social Mentoring Guide for Experts of the Croatian Institute for Social Work

Družić Ljubotina, Olja ; Karačić, Štefica ; Kletečki Radović, Marijana ; Mužek Bešen, Venita

Determinants of Causal Attributions of Homelessness in Croatia

Družić Ljubotina, Olja ; Kletečki Radović, Marijana ; Ogresta, Jelena
Revija za socijalnu politiku

Advocacy initiatives as initiators of changes in social policy and social work

Kletečki Radović, Marijana ; Družić Ljubotina, Olja ; Dobrotić, Ivana ; Petričušić, Antonija
XI. Konferencija socijalnih radnika Socijalni rad na prekretnici: identitet, moć i promjena

Caring for the homeless

Družić Ljubotina, Olja
Karitativno-pastoralni program formacije voditelja župnih caritasa. Nadbiskupijski pastoralni institut.

Child marriages in Roma community in Croatia

Družić Ljubotina, Olja ; Kutnjak Vrtarić, Maja
IFSW European Conference on Social Work 2021 - Social Work in Europe: Meeting New Challenges

Quality of life and some psychosocial characteristics of mothers from single-parent families

Galić, Romana ; Družić Ljubotina, Olja ; Sušac, Nika
IFSW European Conference on Social Work 2021 - Social Work in Europe: Meeting New Challenges

The role of social care in integration of persons under international protection

Bekiri, Zana ; Brozić Perić, Tatjana ; Biočić, Marija ; Družić Ljubotina, Olja ; Helfrih, Sanja ; Jazvić, Ivan ; Karačić, Štefica ; Kronstein, Domagoj ; Kletečki Radović, Marijana ; Koražija, Nataša ; Opačić, Ana ; Šimić, Cvita ; Štritof, Tatjana

Deep dive analysis of policies, programmes, services, funding sources and mechanisms aimed at combating child poverty in Croatia. Literature review

Dobrotić, Ivana ; Družić Ljubotina, Olja ; Kletečki Radović, Marijana ; Buković, Nikola

Child marriages in the Roma communitiy in Croatia

Kutnjak Vrtarić, Maja ; Družić Ljubotina, Olja
Revija za socijalnu politiku

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the realization of social rights

Družić Ljubotina, Olja
Utjecaj koronavirusa na najranjivije: Kako zaštititi socijalna prava?. Okrugli stol, Ured Pučke pravobraniteljice

The importance of volunteering in times of crisis and recovery

Družić Ljubotina, Olja
Nacionalna on-line konferencija o volonterstvu „Dobro je što ste tu!“

How is it to be "in the shoes" of a child with the experience of poverty in the city?

Družić Ljubotina, Olja
Konferencija Siromaštvo u urbanim sredinama

What others and different tell us: how is it to be homeless in Croatia?

Družić Ljubotina, Olja ; Mrvalj, Mile
10. Konferencija socijalnih radnika: Drugi i drugačiji

Availability of services for children living in poverty

Družić Ljubotina, Olja
Okrugli stol Pristup uslugama djeci koja žive u uvjetima siromaštva. 51. godišnjica Centra za odgoj i obrazovanje Rudolf Steiner

What do children who live in poverty tell us?

Družić Ljubotina, Olja
Siromaštvo i dobrobit djece. Stručni skup povodom Tjedna djeteta i Svjetskog dana borbe protiv siromaštva

Social work and politics - so close and so far away

Družić Ljubotina, Olja
IX. Konferencija socijalnih radnika s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem „Socijalni rad između politika i prakse“

Families at risk of poverty: what are they telling us and can we support them?

Družić Ljubotina, Olja ; Rezo, Ines
IX. Konferencija socijalnih radnika s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem „Socijalni rad između politika i prakse“

The Implications of Researches on Poverty to Education of Social Works in Croatia

Kletečki Radović, Marijana ; Družić Ljubotina, Olja
Environmental and Community Sustainability: Human Solutins in an Evolving Society

Homelessness in Croatia: who needs researches at all?

Družić Ljubotina, Olja ; Kletečki Radović, Marijana
Environmental and Community Sustainability: Human Solutins in an Evolving Society

The implications of researches on poverty to education of social workers in Croatia

Družić Ljubotina, Olja ; Kletečki Radović, Marijana
Social work education in Europe: challenging boundaries promoting a sustainable future

The role of economic hardship and parental behaviour in internalizing and externalizing problems in youth

Sušac, Nika ; Skokandić, Lea ; Rimac, Ivan ; Družić Ljubotina, Olja
23. Dani Ramira i Zorana Bujasa

Stigmatization of children who live in terms of poverty: can it be different?

Družić Ljubotina, Olja ; Kletečki Radović, Marijana ; Majdak, Marijana
IFSW European Conference 2017: Marginalization and Social Work in a Changing Society

Effect of poverty on the well-being and quality of life of families from the perspective of children

Kletečki Radović, Marijana ; Vejmelka, Lucija ; Družić Ljubotina, Olja
Ljetopis socijalnog rada

Familise with children living in conditions of poverty: parents perspective

Družić Ljubotina, Olja ; Sabolić, Teodor ; Kletečki Radović, Marijana
Ljetopis socijalnog rada

Childran and Youth Trapped in New Poverty

Kletečki Radović, Marijana ; Družić Ljubotina, Olja
Socijalni rad u svijetu promjena

Everyday life of young people living in conditions of poverty: perspectives of high school students and their parents

Družić Ljubotina, Olja ; Kletečki Radović, Marijana ; Ajduković, Marina
23. Dani Ramira i Zorana Bujasa

The effect of poverty on the well-being and quality of life of youth: qualitative perspective

Družić Ljubotina, Olja ; Kletečki Radović, Marijana ; Ajduković, Marina
20th Biennial International Symposium of International Consortium For Social Development

Service users involvement in social work research: homelessness in Croatia

Kletečki Radović, Marijana ; Družić Ljubotina, Olja ; Ogresta, Jelena
EASSW - UNAFORIS 2017 European Conference

Poverty and children

Družić Ljubotina, Olja ; Kletečki Radović, Marijana

The role of the resilience in connection between family material status and adolescents' intenalizing problems

Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda ; Ajduković, Marina ; Družić Ljubotina, Olja ; Kletečki Radović, Marijana ; Sušac, Nika
VI. znanstveno – stručni skup Osnaživanje potencijala za preventivne aktivnosti u zajednici

Being a child from poor family in "poor" and "rich" community

Kletečki Radović ; Marijana ; Družić Ljubotina, Olja ; Ajduković, Marina ; Vejmelka, Lucija ; Rimac, Ivan ; Sabolić, Teodor
Sigurna obitelj – stabilno društvo: Obitelj u fokusu socijalnog rada

Rights of the child - a multidisciplinary approach

Ajduković, Marina ; Bašić, Josipa ; Buljan Flander, Gordana ; Družić Ljubotina, Olja ; Grgurev, Ivana ; Hercigonja Novković, Vesna ; Hrabar, Dubravka ; Ivičević Karas, Elizabeta ; Jovančević, Milivoj ; Kletečki Radović, Marijana ; Kocijan-Hercigonja, Dubravka ; Korać Graovac, Aleksandra ; Lisičar, Hrvoje ; Majstorović, Irena ; Malenica, Maša ; Munivrana Vajda, Maja ; Pećnik, Ninoslava ; Selak Bagarić, Ella ; Sladović Franz, Branka ; Španić, Ana- Marija

The portrait of social support of the homeless in Croatia

Družić Ljubotina, Olja ; Kletečki Radović, Marijana ; Ogresta, Jelena

What kind of support families homeless in Croatia?

Družić Ljubotina, Olja ; Kletečki Radović, Marijana ; Ogresta, Jelena
7. Konferencija socijalnih radnika

Live and raise children in poverty: perspectives of parents

Družić Ljubotina, Olja ; Kletečki Radović, Marijana

Health of Parents and Children

Družić Ljubotina, Olja

Social support for children and families

Družić Ljubotina, Olja

Using social welfare services and measures to protect the rights and welfare of the child (according to the estimates of social workers)

Družić Ljubotina, Olja

Poverty and well-being of preschool children in Croatia.

Šućur, Zoran ; Kletečki Radović, Marijana ; Družić Ljubotina, Olja ; Babić, Zdenko

User perspective in planning of program for social involvement of homeless people

Kletečki Radović, Marijana ; Družić Ljubotina, Olja
Profesionalna rehabilitacija - stanje, mogućnosti i perspektive

Integration of homeless people within society providing employment support services

Družić Ljubotina, Olja ; Kletečki Radović, Marijana
Profesionala rehabilitacija - stanje, mogućnosti i perspektive

Children in the social welfare during economic crisis: the case of Croatia

Kletečki Radović, Marijana ; Družić Ljubotina, Olja
IFSW European Conference & Social Services Expo 2015

Relationship of poverty and some aspects of psychological welfare

Družić Ljubotina, Olja ; Ljubotina, Damir
Socijalna psihijatrija

The occupational stress in social workers: sources of stress and burnout

Družić Ljubotina, Olja ; Friščić, Ljiljana
Ljetopis socijalnog rada

Poverty as a social work challenge in the economic crisis context in Croatia

Družić Ljubotina, Olja
Ljetopis socijalnog rada

What is the role of science in improving the quality of life for the homeless?

Družić Ljubotina, Olja
Stručni skup Druga prilika: izazovi i perspektive u radu s beskućnicima

Professional stress and burn-out in the work of social workers

Friščić, Ljiljana ; Družić Ljubotina, Olja
Ljetopis socijalnog rada

The contribution of some psychosocial variables in predicting attribution of causes of poverty

Družić Ljubotina, Olja
21. dani Ramira i Zorana Bujasa

What is the role of science in improving the quality of life of homeless people?

Družić Ljubotina, Olja

Small creative socialization groups as a factor empowering children in refuge

Kletečki Radović, Marijana ; Družić Ljubotina, Olja

Looking for professional integrity

Družić Ljubotina, Olja ; Kletečki Radović, Marijana
VI. Simpozij socijalnih radnika. Profesija socijalnog rada: identitet, integritet i realitet

What is the role of science in improving the quality of life for homeless people?

Družić Ljubotina, Olja
Druga prilika: izazovi i perspektive u radu s beskućnicima

Subjective quality of life of individuals living in poverty and employed persons of different economic status

Družić Ljubotina, Olja
Ljetopis socijalnog rada

Challenges in aproaching the problem of homelessness in Croatia

Družić Ljubotina, Olja ; Knežević, Mladen
Socijalna misao

How much (not) know about homelessness?

Družić Ljubotina, Olja

Homelessness: A view from different perspectives


The problem of poverty from the perspective of the elderly

Družić Ljubotina, Olja ; Kletečki Radović, Marijana
V. međunarodna konferencija socijalnih radnika Međugeneracijsko povezivanje i aktivno starenje: izazovi za socijalni rad

Effects of inclusive volunteering: views from the user perspective

Družić Ljubotina, Olja ; Pavlović, Višnja ; Rendulić, Drago
V. Simpozij socijalnih radnika ; Volonterizam i socijalni rad - zajedno za humanije društvo

The role and importance of volunteering for social inclusion

Družić Ljubotina, Olja
Konferencija Hrvatske mreže volonterskih centara: Jednake mogućnosti - Inkluzivno volontiranje kao put prema integraciji i većoj zapošljivosti

Poverty and social work: to what extent social work addresses the issue of "poverty"?

Družić Ljubotina, Olja ; Kletečki Radović, Marijana
Ljetopis socijalnog rada

Civil Society Association's Contribution to the Social Reconstruction of the Community

Družić Ljubotina, Olja ; Delale, Eva Anđela ; Kletečki Radović, Marijana
Revija za socijalnu politiku

Are poor users satisfied with the relationship with their social worker?

Kletečki Radović, Marijana ; Družić Ljubotina, Olja
Siromaštvo, socijalna isključenost i socijalni rad

Attribution for poverty and some psychosocial characteristics of social assistance recipients

Družić Ljubotina, Olja

Causes of poverty – poor people point of view

Družić Ljubotina, Olja
Coping & Resilience - International Conference

Psychosocial work as facilitator of social capital in community

Družić Ljubotina, Olja ; Delale, Eva Anđela ; Kletečki Radović, Marijana
1st European Network of Social Action (ENSACT) Joint European Conference

Personal relation toward poverty - an important initiator of counteracting poverty in community

Družić Ljubotina, Olja ; Kletečki Radović, Marijana
Socijalni rad u zajednici - IV. simpozij socijalnih radnika

Poor people's perception of social injustice

Družić Ljubotina, Olja
Socijalni rad u promicanju ljudskih prava, III. Konferencija socijalnih radnika Republike Hrvatske

Children and poverty in Croatia: state and needs

Kletečki Radović, Marijana ; Družić Ljubotina, Olja

Attributions of poverty among social work and non-social work students in Croatia

Družić Ljubotina, Olja ; Ljubotina, Damir
Croatian Medical Journal

Perception of social injustice of young people parts of Croatia differently affected by the war

Družić Ljubotina, Olja
Ljetopis socijalnog rada

Perception of social injustice as a predictor of deviant behavior

Družić Ljubotina, Olja
Istraživanja u edukacijsko-rehabilitacijskim znanostima - 7. međunarodni znanstveni skup

Perception of social injustice and youth's value system - The case of war exposed regions

Družić Ljubotina, Olja
European conference on traumatic stress (10 ; 2007)

Social sensibility of social work students in comparison to other students

Družić Ljubotina, Olja
Socialno delo za enake možnosti za vse - 3. kongres socialnega dela

Is there any differences in value system among social work and non-social work students?

Družić Ljubotina, Olja
Kvaliteta i profesionalna odgovornost u socijalnom radu - 3. simpozij socijalnih radnika

Perception of social injustice, consequences of war and religiousness as the predictors of the deviant behavior of the youth

Družić Ljubotina, Olja ; Ljubotina, Damir
Kriminologija & socijalna integracija

Children and Poverty in Croatia: Present State and Needs

Kletečki Radović, Marijana ; Družić Ljubotina, Olja
The 10th International Conference "Educational Research and School Practice"

Socio-demografic Characteristics and Experiences of Foster Families

Družić Ljubotina, Olja ; Kletečki Radović, Marijana ; Jelača, Nataša
Ljetopis Studijskog centra socijalnog rada ...

Children and poverty: research challenges

Kletečki Radović, Marijana ; Družić Ljubotina, Olja ; Delale, Eva Anđela
Što može škola učiniti za smanjenje posljedica siromaštva kod učenika

Social injustice, structure of values and ways of achieving values in youth.

Družić Ljubotina, Olja

Advancement possibilities of foster care as alternative form of child care - challenge for social work

Družić Ljubotina, Olja ; Kletečki, Marijana ; Jelača, Nataša
I. Hrvatska konferencija socijalnih radnika

Co-operation between governmental and non-governmental organisations in the work with abused children

Delale, Eva Anđela ; Družić Ljubotina, Olja
Ljetopis studijskog centra socijalnog rada

Some aspects of field placement in the process of the education of social workers

Urbanc, Kristina ; Družić Ljubotina, Olja ; Kregar, Klaudija
Ljetopis Studijskog centra socijalnog rada

Evaluation of outcomes of the psychoeducative approach in reinforcement of the mental health of the children in communities of returnees

Ajduković, Marina ; Družić, Olja ; Muslić, Ljiljana

Teachers as helpers in a post-war community - experiences from Hrvatska Kostajnica and Đakovica (Kosovo)

Družić, Olja ; Muslić, Ljiljana
Ljetopis Studijskog centra socijalnog rada

Characteristics of Child Sexual Abuse in Croatia(1990-1998)

Sladović (Franz), Branka ; Družić, Olja
Dijete i društvo

Psycho-educational approach in increasing resilience in children

Ajduković, Marina ; Delale, Eva Anđela ; Družić, Olja

Support and Assistance to Children in the Process of Return : An Integrative Approach

Delale, Eva Anđela ; Družić, Olja
Ljetopis Studijskog centra socijalnog rada

Evaluation of social work students field training

Urbanc, Kristina ; Družić, Olja
Ljetopis Studijskog centra socijalnog rada

Socialization Group for Older Elementary School Children

Družić, Olja ; Kletečki, Marijana

Possibilities of Psychoeducative Approach in Advancing Mental Health of Children

Ajduković, Marina ; Delale, Eva Anđela ; Družić, Olja
7. godišnja konferencija hrvatskih psihologa

Co-operation between governmental and non-governmental organisationas in the work with abused children

Delale, Eva Anđela ; Družić, Olja
Savjetovanje "Nasilje u obitelji", Ministarstvo rada i socijalne skrbi

Experiences in Giving Support and Help in the Process of Social Reconstruction in the Community

Družić, Olja ; Kletečki, Marijana
Prvi hrvatski žrtvoslovni kongres

Meeting the Needs of Children in Resettlement Process in Hrvatska Kostajnica

Družić, Olja ; Grl, Malvinka ; Kletečki, Marijana ; Ajduković, Marina
Trauma Recovery Training: Lessons Learned. International Conference

Helpers' burn-out syndrome and factors which influence the degree of burn-out

Ljubotina, Damir ; Družić, Olja
Ljetopis studijskog centra socijalnog rada