In her teaching career she has developed and introduced a number of courses at the Department of Social Work and Faculty of Law at the University of Zagreb, and at the Departments of Psychology in Zagreb and Osijek. Since 2012 she teaches at her home institution:
More than 150 papers published in journals and 12 books.
Presented papers at more than 60 international conferences in Europe and USA
The major scientific projects finalised from 2006-2014.
OTHER (e.g. scientific committees or association; evaluation committees, editorial boards; etc)
Graduation year: 1980 graduation year: 1982
PhD graduation year: 1986
Employed since: 1985
E-mail: |
Public phone number: 4895 823 Internal phone number: 4895 823 |
Nazorova 51, soba 23/I |
Theory and Methods of Social Work |
Long-term effects of war on mental health of women - implications for social work practice
Depression, Anxiety and Stress of Adolescents Before and During the Fourth Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic
The experience of trauma in life perspective - Seeking and availability of support
Zašto svajpamo na Tinderu? Psihološki korelati uporabe Tindera
Impact of Earthquake Trauma on Adolescents’ Mental Health During COVID‐19 pandemic
Academic success of children in post-war areas of Croatia - The specific role of parents' traumatic experiences
Is there anything good about the COVID-19 pandemic? Perceptions of the positive consequences at the beginning of the pandemic
The role of civil society in large scale crisis events: response actions of the Society for Psychological Assistance in the areas impacted by earthquake
Experience of the participation effectiveness in the method oriented supervision of the leaders of professional assistance and support in the child care
Children's subjective wellbeing - what was the role of crisis events in 2020?
Double adversity and mental health: COVID-19 pandemic and earthquake disaster
Mental health status and risk factors during Covid- 19 pandemic in the Croatia’s adult population
Long-term monitoring of the positive consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in Croatia
Ethical aspects of mental health research with socially vulnerable groups of parents and children after major natural disasters: How to achieve an empowering effect on research participants
Parenting style and practices and children’s externalizing behaviour problems: Mediating role of children’s executive functions
Why Do We Drop Out? Typology of Dropping Out of High School
Measuring violence against children: The adequacy of the International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (ISPCAN) child abuse screening tool - Child version in 9 Balkan countries
Online supervision in the time of COVID-19 crisis: the Croatian perspective
Characteristics of Intimate Partnership Breakups in Parents with Symptoms of Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder
Subjective well-being of children in Croatia
Family relations and parenthood in families with different income: How is life in high risk of poverty connected to family functioning of families with adolescents?
Psychosocial functioning of high school students in the context of different sociodemographic characteristics
The well-being of young people in the context of adversed childhood events and family economic hardship
Life stress events and risk for child abuse
Risk factors in adolescence
Contribution of Individual and Environmental Variables in Explaining Adolescents' Externalising Behaviours
Socioeconomic Contexts, Adverse Childhood Experiences and Adolescents’ Well-Being
Links between attachment to parents and internalizing problems in adolescence: The mediating role of adolescents’ personality
Adolescents' autoaggressive behaviors in the context of different sociodemographic characteristics
How are our kids? Preliminary results from a national survey of child subjective well-being
Revising the Ethical Code for Research with Children: Balancing the Needs of Children, Parents, Researchers, and Practitioner Psychologists
How are the children? Subjective well-being of children in Croatia
Stress and burnout in helping professions
Using Family Stress Model in Predicting the Risk for Abuse of Adolescents
Risky behaviour of children and youth: public health perspective
Recognition of borderline personality disorder symptoms in parents when the child’s welfare is at risk: Perspective of experts from social welfare centres
Collaboration between practitioners and researchers in the context of revising the Ethical Code for Research with Children
Pathways of dropping out from high school
Gender differences in stressful life events in adolescents
Lifetime and past-year prevalence of children’s exposure to violence in 9 Balkan countries: the BECAN study
The internalising and externalising problems of adolescents in Croatia : Socio-demographic and family victimisation factors
Individual and contextual factors for the child abuse potential of Croatian mothers: The role of social support in times of economic hardship
Adolescents’ mental health in the context of family financial status
Sources of the resilience of adolescents who experienced family violence
Predictors of risk for child abuse among Croatian families facing economic hardship
Characteristics of parenting in families at risk of poverty: Child benefit is necessary, but is it enough to mitigate all risks?
Development of Check-list for assessing psychosocial wellbeing of children in high conflict separated parenting
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Adolescents’ Psychosocial Problems in Different Economic Contexts
Predicting Child Abuse Potential under Prolonged Economic Hardship
How can psychology help to children and young people to come out from the "vicious circle" of poverty?
Educative supervision for mediators of parental disputes
High School Dropout Recovery? Young people post- school experiences and future aspirations
Individual and contextual risk factors for child abuse: The role of social support in times of financial crisis
Everyday life of young people living in conditions of poverty: perspectives of high school students and their parents
Attachment to parents and internalizing problems in adolescence
Psychosocial support in large scale crisis situations
Predicting Child Abuse Potential: The Role of Social Support in Times of Economic Hardship
Relationship between socio-economic status of the family and adolescent risk behaviors
Perceived Financial Difficulties and Adolescents’ Well-being: The Role of Parental Monitoring
Challenges and opportunities of social work in the world of rapid changes
Family and school determinants of resilience in adolescents
The effect of poverty on the well-being and quality of life of youth: qualitative perspective
Opportunities for advancing socialpolicy in reducing child poverty : the perspective of key stakeholders
How to break the vicious circle of child poverty? Reasons, starting points and goals of research on the welfare and poverty of children in Croatia
Working with children during home-visits
Child poverty: Challenges for professionals and key stakeholders
Problem Behaviors, Childhood Victimization, and Attachment Quality in Croatian Sample of Community and Referred Psychopathic-Like Adolescents
The role of the resilience in connection between family material status and adolescents' intenalizing problems
The frequency of peer violence with respect to characteristics of adolescents and experienced violence in the family
Family economic hardship, resilience and internalizing problems of adolescents
Prediction of adolescents' subjective well- being in the context of parental variables and attachment to school
The effect of poverty and family economic hardship on adolescents' psychological well- being: The challenge for psychologists' research and activities
The role of parents and peers in understanding female adolescent sexuality – testing perceived peer norms as mediators between some parental variables and sexuality
Socio-demographic characteristics and family victimization as predictors of internalizing and externalizing problems
Being a child from poor family in "poor" and "rich" community
Characteristics of Scientific Research Relevant for Understanding Children's Rights
Challenges of Family Mediation in Cases of Partnership Violence
ECVision. A European Glossary of Supervision and Coaching
ECVision. A European Competence Framework of Supervision and Coaching
Validaing Competences. The ECVision Reference Table ECTS-ECVET
An Overview of Supervision and Coaching in Austria, Croatia, Germany, Hungary, Sweden, The Netherlands and Europe
Rights of the child - a multidisciplinary approach
Internalized problems of the youth in general population and community residential homes
Risk behavior of adolescents, victimization in the family and internalized problems
Assessing developmental risk of the child
Directions for planning proffesional helping interventions with parents in protection of child well-being
Areas and goals of professional helping interventions with parents described as expected parental change of behaviors
Internalizing and externalizing adolescents' problems in the context of family victimization and peer relations
Experience with family violence and current life circumstances as predictors of mothers' risks for child abuse
Helping Parents to protect the Child's Well- Being - Handbook for Social Workers, Other Experts and Associates of Social Welfare Centers
The starting points of the project "Strengthening the Capacities of the Social Welfare System for Implementation and Monitoring Measures for the Protection of the Rights and Benefits of the Child in the Responsibility of the Social Welfare Center"
Changes in Conceptualization and the Names of Measures of Professional Parents Assistance for the Protection of the Child's Well-Being
About the Concept of Assessment of Developmental Risks and Child Safety
How to Provide Professional Help Measures to Parents?
Evaluation of the Effects of Measures Professional Assistance to Parents
Recommendations for Improving the Provision of Professional Assistance to Parents
Family supervisors’ serception of difficulties in implementation professional support measures to parents under jurisdiction of Social Welfare Centre
Internalizing and externalizing problems – How to plan appropriate prevention and intervention strategies for adolescents with different combination of mental problems?
Differences between categories of school children according to their peer violence perpetration and victimization status
Family economic stress as a factor for violent upbringing and psycho-social well being of children
Violence in family in the life-time perspective: Methodological issues and treatment challenges
Challenges of Studying Children and Youth Self- Concept in the Studies of Social-Behavioural Problems
Differences between children according their involvement in peer violence in children's homes
Motives for participation and expectations from supervisionof family visitation supervisors of measures for the protection of personal rights and welfare of the child
Educational needs and experiences with traumatized clients of social workers who work in centres for social welfare
Adolescents internalizing problems in context of socio demographic factors, victimisation and psychosocial adjustment
Childhood trauma as a predictor of risk for child abuse perpetrated by mothers
Psychological crisis situation in childhood: intervention and prevention opportunities
Psychosocial adjustment of adolescents involved in electronic peer violence
Prevalence, incidence and some correlates of sexual abuse of children in Croatia
Perpetrators of child sexual abuse in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia: victimization by peers, family members and adult acquaintances
Gender and age differences in prevalence and incidence of child sexual abuse in Croatia
Prevalence, incidence and some correlates of sexual abuse of Children in Croatia
Prevalence, incidence and some correlates of child sexual abuse in Croatia
Social care professionals self-evaluation of competences and knowledge about family mediation
The perception of the students' practice supervision and attitudes of psychology students toward supervision
Contribution of the Perception of Parental Behavior, Riskiness of Siblings and Peers and Internalized Problems to Socially Unacceptable Behavior of Male Adolescents
Differences among Male Adolescents with Early- and Late-Onset of Risk Behavior
Family and Psychosocial Determinants of Youth Peer Violence
Results of Epidemiological Study of Violence against Children in the Family
The role of some cognitive aspects of parental behavior and family exposure to stressors in corporal punishment of children
Attitudes of parents towards corporal punishment and exposure to the violence from parents and peers as predictors of the perpetration of peer violence
What we've done so far - Review of publications devoted to the issue of violence
Perception of family financial status and high school students' psychosocial functioning
Law students attitudes towards the crimnal legal system
Interpersonal communication in professional context
Prevalence of Children Exposure to Different Types of Abuse in Family: National Results for Croatia
Peer Violence among Children in Croatia – Incidence and Relations to Social and Economical Factors
Prevalence and correlates of child abuse in Croatia
Family Stress and Children's Expirience with Violence
Violence against Children in the Family - New Findings, Old Challenges
Conflict resolution on issues of older people: opportunities for family mediation
Epidemiological research of prevalence and incidence of family violence on children in Croatia
Contemporary psychology and family violence in lifelong perspective
Rights of the children with problem behaviours and their parents for participation in process of needs assessment and intervention planning
Abused in the family - neglected by the system: Do we have an answer to this professional challenge?
Prevalence and risk factors for children exposure to different types of abuse in family and peer relations: National results for Croatia
Importance of high quality data for creating policies for prevention of family violence against children
Analysis of Characteristics of Incidents of Child Abuse Cases Registered in Social Care Centres
Risk factors of child physical abuse by parents with mixed anxiety-depressive disorder or posttraumatic stress disorder
Protection of Children’s Rights to Participate in Child Abuse and Neglect Researches: Methodological and Validity Implications
Long-term Care for Older People in Croatia
Ethical aspects of epidemiological studies of child abuse and neglect: protection of children wellbeing and methodological implications
Ethical Code of Research with Children in Croatia
Attitudes of Experts and Students in Social Sare about Ethical Questions in Researches on the Violence against the Children in the Family
Assessment of the Heaviness of Violence of Upbringing Methods: Differences in the Assessments of Experts and Students
Ethical and Methodological Issues on Epidemiological Child Abuse and Neglect Research in Croatia
Assessment of the intensity of violence of parental actions: a methodological contribution to conceptualising violence against children
Attitudes of Experts towards Some Ethical Issues of Epidemiological Research of Violence against Children in the Family
Prevention of violence in adolescent relations
Expectations, perception of needs and difficulties at introducing supervision from the perspective of the social care centre directors
Guidelines for planning, implementation and evaluation of preventive and treatment programs for protection of children from violence
Role of doctoral study in development of social work practice and competence: Croatian experience
Epidemiological Study and Administrative Data Collection on Child Abuse and Neglect in Croatia
Training for prevention of violence against women and family violence in Croatia: Community building and networking
Family violence : What health workers can do
Childhood Victimization, Attachment Style, and Violence in Students' Romantic Relationships
Participation of Children and Parents in the Preparation of Epidemiological Research of Violence against Children: Focus Groups' Experiences
Specifics of the Ethics in Research Studies with Children
Supervision as a safetynet - the case study of Croatia
Qualitative analysis of professionals' experience as a contribution to the evaluation of introducing a nwe work model in social care centres
New model of social care centres : Challenges and recommendations
Development of adolescent dating violence prevention program
Development of adolescent dating violence prevention program
Why work with family violence is sensitive professional issue?
The role of theory and competences based approach in social care system reform and MA social work education in Croatia
What Can We Learn from the Analysis of Works and Research on Violence against Children in Families Published in Croatia from 1985 to 2009?
The contibution to contruct validity of Youth Self-Reported Delinquency and Deviance Scale
Raising community awareness for elderly abuse in Croatia
Male and female attachment and severity of self-reported delinquent and risk-taking behavior
Attachment and developmental risks among children and youth placed in children's home
Integrative social work approach as a context for understanding the individual social care plan
Violence against women as a public health problem in Croatia: From practice to policy, from policy to practice
The Outcomes of the Project Prevention and Separation and early intervention with families at risk from the perspective of social welfare centres employees
The challenge of quality supervision in contemporary world
Adolescents’ Dating Violence
Psychosocial Treatment of Domestic Violence Perpetrators - A Handbook for Treatment Leaders
Social work in socialism – legacy of continuity or discontinuity of social work development in Croatia?
Social work theory and its role in development of practice and competences
Child welfare as prime-mover of social actions and social work development
Some Reflections on Social Work in Croatia (1945 - 1989)
Family Violence and Health among Elderly in Croatia
Possibilities and challenges of qualitative approach in research of child care
Social problems, social risks and modern social work
Child care for children living in risk-families
Directions for programming and planing intervention of supervizing family care as a process of planed positive changes in a family
Social work questionaires for assessing family situation nad needs of children
Agressive and prosocial behaviour of children in children's homes
Sensitivity for violence against the elderly in the family - the scale development and the first reuslts
Examination of distribution of risky and delinquent behavior among urban children and youth – additional incentive for target prevention
Family characteristics and relational processes as predictors of delinquent behavior of urban youth
The development of Youth Self-Reported Delinquency and Deviance Scale: Croatian experience
Early separation, attachment to parents and family risk factors as predictors of delinquent behavior of urban youth
Internal evaluation of project "Prevention of separation and early interventions with families with risks"
Early and community interventions as a support to parents under the risk
Monitoring parental care as a process of planned changes with family
The role of doctoral studies in the developement of Social Work as a profession - the croatian experience
The Paths of the Social Work History Research in Croatia
The Significance of the Attachment Theory for Conceptualising Public Child Welfare
Importance of Child Depression Inventory in the assessment of mental health of children and adolescents in public care
Longitudinal study of depression of children in public care
The Importance of Supervision for High-quality Work with the Children, Youth and Families in the System of Social Welfare
Attachment Theory and Modern Social Work
Mandatory treatment program for women violent in intimate relationship – gender equality or gender injustice?
Right of living in family: Experiences of UNICEF project Croatia in promoting early interventions with families whose children are at risk
Development of Self - Reported Delinquency Questionnaire
Prevalence of different types of deviant and juvenile delinquent behaviour
Quality Early Interventions with Families with Children in Risk
Social work and social pedagogy in Croatia: The first comparison
Supervision in the social work and social pedagogy profession in Croatia
The Male and/or Female Beginnings of Social Work Education in Croatia: An Analysis of Graduation Theses Topics
Convention review - Social pedagogy, social work and professionalism in the alps-adriatic region
The role of Doctoral Study in Social Work Professional Development
Women and the history of social work in Croatia
Early interventions as support to parents in social need
Development of attitude scales toward exclusion of children from the families and toward foster care placement
Explorations of depression and self-esteem correlates in empowering children in public care
The activity of Diana Budisavljević with the children victims of World war II
The meeting of the first graduate social workers
From the Foundationary Orphanage to the Children's Home Klasje: The 135 years long history (of the institutional care for the children in the town of Osijek)
Dealing with violence - personal and professional challenge
Methodological approach to researching quality of Law Faculty study
Developing the Model of Improving the Quality of Study on Faculty of Law of the University of Zagreb
Beginnings of Social Work in Croatia between two World wars.
DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL WORK IN CROATIA - From charity activities to systematic education and profession
Behavioural and emotional problems of children by type of out-of-home care in Croatia
Attitudes of Professionals and Public on Removal of Chidlren from Risk Families and Fostering
Women and History of Social Work in Croatia
Behavior and Emotional Problems of Children in Out-of-Home Placement in Croatia
Psychology and Violence against Woman in Family
Introducing supervision in the social welfare system in Croatia
History of social work education in the Balkan region
The position of abused children in criminal procedure from the perspective of the convention on the rights of the child
Reasons for Separation and Characteristics of Life in Primary Family of Children in Public Care
Attitudes of social care professionals towards the exclusion of children from families and towards foster care placement
Attitudes of professional care-providers towards psychosocial treatment of perpetrators of family violence
Professionals and populations attitudes toward removal of children from their family and toward foster care
The style and the efficacy of fulfillment of psychosocial needs of children without appropriate parental care, that are placed in small group-home “ Nuevo futuro”
Five year longitudinal research mental health of children in children's homes and criteria of their exclusion from families
Violence against woman in family
Supervision in psychosocial work
Psychosocial interventions with perpertrators of family violence
Youth Self-Report of Children in Children's Homes and Foster Families in Croatia
Evaluation model and effects of the project "Introducing supervision in the social welfare system"
Approaches to the care for children without adequate parental care in Europe
Residential Care for Children at Risk - Additional Source of Trauma
Overcoming conflicts
Systemic approaches to early interventions in a community affected by organized violence
Domestic violence
Prerequisites of constructive problem and conflict solving in the process of social reconstruction
Social Action in Communitiy
Group treatment
Life circumstances prior to and during the placement of children in childrens homes and foster families
The development of supervision in Croatia
Conflict understanding
Family Violence: New Public Health Challange
The education of Social Workers: What next?
How to prepare students of social work for critical thinking and activity in the field of juvenile delinquency
Opinions of social work students about the curriculum
8. European Conference on Traumatic Stress
A review of a book of Ninoslava Pećnik:Intergenerational transfer of child abuse
Mental Health of Children in Children's Homes and Foster Families
The development of social work supervison in countries in transition: Reflections from Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina
Youth participation and possibilities of social action groups in prevention of behavioural disorders in local community
The code of ethic for research with children
Judges' and public' attitudes toward legal protection of abused children in Croatia
Sociology: textbook for the 3rd year of gymnasium
Educaton in supervision in the social welfare system
Dealing with Trauma Consequences in the Aftermath of War in the Community Context
50 Years of the School of Social Work 1952.-2002.
Incorporating the Expirience from Working with Child Victims of War into Efficient Practice with Children in Peacetime Conditions
Polymorphism and Expression of Angiotensin : Converting Enzyme in Myelodysplastic Syndrome
Evaluation of outcomes of the psychoeducative approach in reinforcement of the mental health of the children in communities of returnees
Supervision of psyshosocial work as a specific form of support and help to social workers and other professionals in the social welfare system
Child abuse and child neglect within the family - Impact on psycho-social development of children
Prevention of child abuse and child neglect
Post-graduate education - a necessary prerequisite of the social work development in the 21st century
Violence against children in the family
Needs and Protection of Children in Croatia: A Decade Review
Domestic/family violence:personal, family or public health problem?
Violence in marital/dating relationships
Intergenerational transmission of familly violence
Ecological multidimensional approach to risk and protective factors in development of behavior disorders of children and adolescents.
Parental style as a risk and protective factor in development of behavior disorders in children and adolescents
Psycho-educational approach in increasing resilience in children
Critical event and psychological crisis
Individual debriefing after critical events
Debriefing: Specific group intervention within crisis intervention framework
Some features of life in orphanages
Mental health care of helpers
Threatened adolescents development in family and community
Myts and Facts about women violence in RH
Contemporary approach to juvenile delinquency
Community based programme in meeting the psychosocial needs of children in resettlement process.
Factor analyses of professional attitudes toward child sexual abuse
Structural model for prediction of AIDS-preventive behavioral changes
Comparison of Two Models of Community Based Trauma Healing Programs for Children
How to help agressive children
Family as a support system to children
Group work with distresed children
Supervision in Croatia: Preliminary research of social workers attitudes and expectations
Aggressivity and hyperactivity : as behaviour disturbance
Characteristics of treatment facilities for children and youth with behavioural disturbances in USA
Sources, signes and possibilities of reducing professional stress and burnout in educational work
Possibilities of Psychoeducative Approach in Advancing Mental Health of Children
Impact of displacement on the psychological well-being of refugee children
Displaced Adolescents in Croatia: Sources of stress and posttraumatic stress reaction
Mental Health Care for helpers: Experiences from a Training Programme
Cooperation of centers for social work and children home's in protection of abused and neglected children
Characteristics of modern research in juvenile delinquency
Mental Health Care For Helpers: A Necessary Ingredient Of Trauma Recovery Training And Assistance In War Zones
Social Work Supervision Manual
Importance of mental health of helpers
Evaluation Models for Trauma Training Projects: Importance, Development and Barriers
Group Approach in Psychosocial Work
Education of social workers: current problems and posible development
Meeting the Needs of Children in Resettlement Process in Hrvatska Kostajnica
School-Based Health and Peace Initiative – Trauma Healing and Peaceful Problem Solving Program for Primary Schools in Western and Eastern Slavonia – Evaluation Report
Mental Health Care For Helpers ; A Neccesary Ingredient of Trauma Recovery Training And Assistance in War Zones
On the Effects of Health Reach Pilot Training and Research Project in Croatia: Evaluation Design and Preliminary Results
Why is the mental health of care-providers at risk?
Process of resettlement as a psychological challenge
Mothers' perception of their relationship with their children during displacement: A six month follow-up
Psychosocial adjustment of adolescents on displacement
The importance of supervision in professional development of social workers
Children in war in Croatia
Groupwork in Croatia: Experiences with older refugees
Psychosocial aspects of non-violent resolution of conflicts
Parents' relationships with children in exile and difficulties of psychological adjustment in children
Prevention of Behavioral Problems of Children Victims of War
The Child Abuse Potential Inventory-Cross-validation in Croatia
Educational of social workers in Croatia and in the world
Model of individual and group work with elderly refugees
Psychosocial adaptation to exile in later age
Attitudes of law and psychology students toward law and psychology
Help and Self – Help in Care for Mental Health Helpers
Abuse and abandonment of children in the family
Sources and symptoms of stress in children refugees
Psychological well-being of refugee children
Nonviolent conflict resolution
Predicting AIDS-induced behavioral change in the general population of young people
Discrepancies in the assessments of the psychosocial climate in prisons made by inmates and staff
Assessment of Professionals' and Nonprofessionals' Attitudes toward Child Abuse in Croatia
The influence of displacement on the relation of mothers to their children accomodated in host family
University students and AIDS: Knowledge, attitudes and behavioral adjustment
Alternative sanctions: ways of prison population reduction
Experts attitudes about child abuse prevention:differences between professions
AIDS AND YOUTH - Psychosocial Dimensions
Differences in parents' rearing style between female and male predelinquent and delinquent youth
Psychosocial and social aspects of child neglect: Study of professionals attitudes
Attitudes toward child abuse
Experimental evaluation of the educative seminar on AIDS
Manner of family upbringing as a factor of child delinquent behavior of children
AIDS-Related Knowledge, Attitudes and Behavior in Student Population
Importance of sampling strategies in juvenile delinquency research
Employment and relapse of the young commiters of criminal offences
The attitude and knowledge of students of social work and social workers about the AIDS
Attitude patterns in students about AIDS associated problems
Value Orientations and Expectations of Juvenile Delinquents : Cause and Consequences of Delinquency
Value orientations of delinquent and non-delinquent youth and needs hierarchy theory
Relation between self-stated unrevealed and revealed delinquent activity toward social values and the partial influence of the social status
Self-report and the study on delinquent and socially unacceptable adolescent behaviour in the SFRY
The Use of Self-Reports as a Source of Data on Delinquent Behaviour- Development and Possibilities
Factor structures of work values in juvenile delinquents
Influence of the institutional treatment on valuable orientation of the juvenile delinquents
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