prof. dr. sc. Ivana Vukorepa
prof. dr. sc.
Ivana Vukorepa

Ivana Vukorepa completed LL.B. studies at the University of Zagreb in 1999, while LL.M. at the College of Europe in 2001. In 2002 she did the Croatian Barr exam. From 2007 to 2008 she was Fulbright Visiting Researcher at the Georgetown University Law Center. In 2011 she earned her doctoral degree in legal sciences at the University of Zagreb.  She is proficient user in English, independent user in German, good user in French and basic user in Italian.

Since 2004, she works at the Departement for Labour and Social Security Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb. Before that, she used to work in the law office as law trainee and in the Croatian Ministry for European Integration as expert associate and head of division. From 2005 to 2012 In the Negotiations for the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the EU she was Head of the Working group for negotiating chapter “Freedom of movement for workers”.

She has been actively participating in national and international conferences and seminars, as well as scientific research in the field of labor and social security law topics and free movement of workers. In social security law she has a particular interest in pensions. She has been the author and co-author of scientific articles and books. She is a member of the editorial board of the journal "Revija za socijalnu politiku" (since 2010) and the journal "Labor" (since 2023), a newly founded journal of the International Society for Labor and Social Security Law. She is also a member of the editorial board of national correspondents of the "European Labor Law Journal" (since 2009). She participates in the work of several professional associations: she is a member of the Croatian Association for Labor Law and Social Security (since 2004), the European Institute of Social Security (since 2011), and the European Network for Research on Supplementary Pensions (since 2022).

She collaborates as a professional advisor and collaborator on several research projects and to the European independent experts' networks such as: ESPN in the field of social policy (from 2014 to 2018), MoveS in the field of fee movement of workers, posting of workers and social security coordination (from 2018) and ECE in the field of labour law, employment and labour market policies (since 2020).

During her graduate studies, she received several awards: the dean's award (1997), the rector's award (1999), and the award of the Pace University School of Law Institute for International Commercial Law (1999). In 2022, she received acknowledgment of the Croatian Pension Insurance Institute (HZMO) for her exceptional contribution to the development of the pension system of the Republic of Croatia and HZMO.

She is registered in the register of scientists of the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia, number 258330. Other scientific profiles and numbers:


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Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database


Grgurev, Ivana ; Vukorepa, Ivana

Factual (Indirect) Transfer of Economic Entity and Influence on Employment-Related Legal Position of Workers

Vukorepa, Ivana
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu

Tackling New Forms of Work in Pension Systems: Necessary Shift from ‘Work-type-related’ to ‘Income-related’ Systems

Vukorepa, Ivana


Vukorepa, Ivana
ERA Summer School on European Social Security Law (2022)

Pensions: workshop and practical cases

Vukorepa, Ivana
ERA Summer Course on European Social Security Law (2022)

Protection of pension rights in the context of free movement of persons

Vukorepa, Ivana
MoveS seminar Iceland: Social security coordination and free movement in the EEA: Pension rights, maternity/paternity payments

New forms of work: challenge for social security financing and benefit adequacy

Vukorepa, Ivana
EISS Conference 2021 Zagreb: Tackling new forms of work in social security


Vukorepa, Ivana

Pensions in the Fluid EU Society: Challenges for (Migrant) Workers

Vukorepa, Ivana (i u ime Jorens, Yves ; Strban, Grega)
The Future of Pension Plans in Europe

MoveS analytical report 2018 - Social security coordination and non-standard forms of employment and self-employment: Interrelation, challenges and prospects

Strban, Grega ; Carrascosa Bermejo, Dolores ; Schoukens, Paul ; Vukorepa, Ivana.

Cross-Border Platform Work: Riddles for Free Movement of Workers and Social Security Coordination

Vukorepa, Ivana
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu

Continuation of wage payment - Sickness and accidents at work ; The situation in Croatia

Grgurev, Ivana ; Vukorepa, Ivana
Internationaler Arbeitsrechtlicher Dialog: Entgeltfortzahlung bei Krankheit und Arbeitsunfall im internationalen Vergleich

Pensions of atypical workers in cross-border situations: legal and financial challenges

Vukorepa, Ivana
Workers' Rights at the Intersection of Labour Law and Economics


Vukorepa, Ivana
ERA Summer Course on European Social Security Law (2019)

Pensions: workshop and practical cases

Vukorepa, Ivana
ERA Summer Course on European Social Security Law (2019)

Changing family structures and impact on pensions

Vukorepa, Ivana
Annual Conference of the European Institute of Social Security (EISS Conference 2019: "Changing Family Structures and Social Security")

A1's probative value and the duty of sincere cooperation: legal framework and CJEU case law

Vukorepa, Ivana
MoveS seminar Croatia: Upućivanje radnika u kontekst slobode kretanja i koordinacije sustava socijalne sigurnosti te najnovije promjene u zakonodavstvu EU (Posting of workers in the context of free movement and coordination of social security and recent changes in the EU legislation)

Pensions in the Fluid EU Society: Challenges for (Migrant) Workers

Vukorepa, Ivana ; Jorens, Yves ; Strban, Grega

Impact of digital economy on employment in Croatia

Vukorepa, Ivana
XIV International Congress on Comparative Labor Law

Comparative Legal Report 2019: Report on the preliminary assessment of the national transposition measures of Directive 2014/50/EU

Vukorepa, Ivana. ; Wollenschläger, Ferdinand

Irregular immigrants: employment and social security protection in Croatia

Vukorepa, Ivana
XII International Conference on Comparative Labor Law

Migrations and Right to Work in the European Union

Vukorepa, Ivana
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu

Croatia: Government remains committed to second pension pillar in face of public debate

Vukorepa, Ivana

Rethinking Labour law in the Context of 4th Industrial Revolution

Vukorepa, Ivana
Novelties in Labour Law

Book review: Maximilian Fuchs, Franz Marhold, Europäisches Arbeitsrecht, Handbuch, 5. izdanje, Verlag Österreich, Wien, 2018.

Vukorepa, Ivana
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu

Maximilian Fuchs (Hrsg.): Europäisches Sozialrecht

Vukorepa, Ivana
Revija za socijalnu politiku

Rethinking social security in the context of non- standard working arrangements

Vukorepa, Ivana
Organisation of the labour market: stimulating innovation and the growth of skills


Vukorepa, Ivana
ERA Summer Course on European Social Security Law

Pensions: workshop and practical cases

Vukorepa, Ivana
ERA Summer Course on European Social Security Law

Probative value of A1 (E 101) certificates and the duty of cooperation

Vukorepa, Ivana
MoveS seminar Latvia: Posting of workers in the context of free movement and coordination of social security

Flexible and New Forms of Employment in Croatia and their Pension Entitlement Aspects

Grgurev, Ivana ; Vukorepa, Ivana

Second pension pillar: debates and possible improvements

Potočnjak Željko ; Vukorepa, Ivana
56. susret pravnika: Aktualnosti zakonodavstva i prakse

Retirement Policy Changes for Workers in Arduous and Hazardous Jobs: Comparative Overview and Lessons for Croatia

Vukorepa, Ivana
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu

ESPN thematic report on access to social protection of people working as self-employed or on non-standard contracts

Vukorepa, Ivana ; Tomić, Iva ; Stubbs, Paul

Analytical Report 2017: The interrelation between social security coordination law and labour law

Lhernould, Jean-Philippe ; Strban, Grega ; Van der Mei, Anne Pieter ; Vukorepa, Ivana

ESPN Thematic Report: Contribution to the 2018 Pension Adequacy Report (Croatia)

Vukorepa, Ivana

Flexible retirement: working into old age

Vukorepa, Ivana
2016 European Annual Conference of the European Institute of Social Security (EISS): Social security and the changing concept of work

ESPN Thematic Report on retirement regimes for workers in arduous or hazardous jobs: Croatia

Vukorepa, Ivana

The effectiveness of Directive 2014/54 and its implementation in Croatia

Vukorepa, Ivana
FreSsco Network Final Conference

Advantages and disadvantage of the 2nd pension pillar

Vukorepa, Ivana
Hrvatski mirovinski sustav i održivost drugog stupa

Pension aspects of new and flexible forms of employment in Croatia

Grgurev, Ivana ; Vukorepa, Ivana
Fleksigurnost i novi oblici rada: izazovi modernizacije hrvatskog radnog prava

Employer's and employee's liability for damages in Croatia: Social Point of View and the Risk of the Employer

Vukorepa, Ivana
Prvi hrvatsko - mađarski poredbeni seminar radnog prava

Lost between Sustainability and Adequacy: Critical Analysis of the Croatian Pension System’s Parametric Reform

Vukorepa, Ivana
Revija za socijalnu politiku

Radno vrijeme u Hrvatskoj: kritička analiza pravnog okvira

Grgurev, Ivana ; Vukorepa, Ivana
VII. International Dialogue of Labour Law, Univesity of St. Gallen

The Role of Trade Unions in Period of Economic Crisis in Croatia

Grgurev, Ivana ; Vukorepa, Ivana
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu

Labour Law

Vukorepa, Ivana

Trade Unions and the Economic Crisis in Europe: Croatian Perspective

Grgurev, Ivana ; Vukorepa, Ivana
The labour unions before the economic crisis in Europe and in the United States

Freedom of movement for workers in the European Union

Vukorepa, Ivana
165. tribina Kluba pravnika Grada Zagreba

Book review: Pension Reforms in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe: From Post-Socialist Transition to the Global Financial Crisis. Igor Guardiancich (London, New York, NY: Routledge/ EUI studies in the political economy of the welfare state, 2012, pp. 304, ISBN 978-415-68898-7)

Vukorepa, Ivana
Croatian economic survey

Freedom of movement for workers in the European Union

Vukorepa, Ivana
Tribina Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti o EU

Pension System Reform: Quo vadis?

Vukorepa, Ivana
180. tribina Kluba pravnika Grada Zagreba

Development and Changes of Croatian Labour Act

Vukorepa, Ivana
Revue de droit comparé du travail et de la sécurité sociale

Report on the Free Movement of Workers in Croatia in 2012-2013

Vukorepa, Ivana

Minimum Wage as a Tool in the Fight against Poverty: Croatian Labour Law Perspective

Grgurev, Ivana ; Vukorepa, Ivana
VI. International Dialogue of Labour Law, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz

Pension Systems: Funded Scheems as Social Security Factors

Vukorepa, Ivana

Experience of the Republic of Croatia in the negotiations with the EU: Freedom of movement for workers

Vukorepa, Ivana
Seminar namijenjen edukaciji zastupnika u parlamentima Bosne i Hercegovine u okviru projekta "Uključivanje parlamentarnih komisija za EU" u organizaciji Vanjskopolitičke inicijative BH

Lifecycle Portfolio Modelling

Vukorepa, Ivana
Nova arhitektura mirovinskog osiguranja

Freedom of Movement for Workers within the EU

Vukorepa, Ivana
Stručna predavanja Hrvatske odvjetničke komore u okviru projekta „Europska pravna kultura i praksa“ posvećeno edukaciji odvjetnika o pravu EU

Lifecycle Portfolio Modelling in Funded Defined Contribution Pension Systems

Potočnjak, Željko ; Vukorepa, Ivana
Privredna kretanja i ekonomska politika

Funded Pension Schemes as Social Security Factors

Vukorepa, Ivana

Labour Migrations with the EU with Emphasis on Freedom of Movement for Workers and

Vukorepa, Ivana
Stručni seminar o europskim pitanjima namijenjen članovima sindikalnih središnjica u organizaciji Ministarstva vanjskih poslova i europskih integracija

Pension Insurance Act Amendments – new regulation review

Vukorepa, Ivana
Revija za socijalnu politiku

Act on Compulsory and Voluntary Pension Funds Amendments

Vukorepa, Ivana
Revija za socijalnu politiku

Labour migrations within the EU with the emphasis on the freedom of movement for workers

Vukorepa, Ivana
Tribina Radne migracije u EU s posebnim naglaskom na slobodu kretanja radnika u oganizaciji Ministarstva vanjskih poslova i europskih integracija u suradnji sa Županijskim savjetom za europske integracije Virovitičko-podravske županije

Challenges and opportunities for providing adequate old-age pensions in Croatia

Nestić, Danijel ; Potočnjak, Željko ; Puljiz, Vlado ; Rašić Bakarić, Ivana ; Švaljek, Sandra ; Tomić, Iva ; Vehovec, Maja ; Vukorepa, Ivana

Challenges and Opportunities for the Realisation of Adequate Old-Age Pensions in Croatia (a project study)

Nestić, Danijel ; Potočnjak, Željko ; Puljiz, Vlado ; Rašić Bakarić, Ivana ; Švaljek, Sandra ; Tomić, Iva ; Vehovec, Maja ; Vukorepa, Ivana
Revija za socijalnu politiku

Proposal for Changes into the Croatian Pension System

Vukorepa, Ivana
Mirovinski sustav između financijske održivosti i socijalne neizdržljivosti

EU Labour Migration Policies with the Emphasis on Rules on Freedom of Movement for Workers

Vukorepa, Ivana
Računovodstvo i porezi u funkciji gospodarskog razvoja Hrvatske

New Labour Law

Vukorepa, Ivana
Revija za socijalnu politiku

Labour migrations within the EU with the emphasis on the freedom of movement for workers

Vukorepa, Ivana
Tribina Radne migracije u EU s posebnim naglaskom na slobodu kretanja radnika u organizaciji Ministarstva vanjskih poslova i europskih integracija u suradnji sa Varaždinskom županijom

Labour Act and other Sources of Labour Law: legal texts, international sources of law, index

Potočnjak, Željko ; Vukorepa, Ivana

A Critical Overview of the new Labour Act

Potočnjak, Željko ; Vukorepa, Ivana
Hrvatska pravna revija

EU Labour Migration Policies

Vukorepa, Ivana
Labour Migration in the Western Balkans

Dismissal due to Business Reasons in the Republic of Croatia

Potočnjak, Željko ; Vukorepa, Ivana
II. International Labour Law Dialogue on the topic of Termination of Employmnet Contracts on Economic Reasons

Risk Management of Returns in Mandatory Capital Financed Pension Systems

Potočnjak, Željko ; Vukorepa, Ivana
Revija za socijalnu politiku

Employment of foreigners

Vukorepa, Ivana

Salary compensation

Vukorepa, Ivana

Compensation of damages in an employment relationship

Vukorepa, Ivana


Vukorepa, Ivana

Worker's rest

Vukorepa, Ivana

Remuneration, salary, wage

Vukorepa, Ivana

Permission to establish business

Vukorepa, Ivana

Work permit

Vukorepa, Ivana

Regular working time

Vukorepa, Ivana

Shortened working time

Vukorepa, Ivana

Employment of foreigners

Vukorepa, Ivana

Health and safety at work

Vukorepa, Ivana

Employment of foreigners

Vukorepa, Ivana
Radni odnosi u Republici Hrvatskoj

Social Welfare Act

Potočnjak Željko ; Vukorepa Ivana

Croatia on the Way to EU: Labour Law and the Free Movement of Workers

Vukorepa, Ivana
Transition Studies Review

Public Holidays and thereto Related Labour Rights in Republic of Croatia

Gotovac, Viktor ; Vukorepa, Ivana
International Labour Law Dialog on the topic Public Holidays and Labour Law

Labour Act and other Sources of Labour Law: legal texts, by-laws, international sources of law, index

Potočnjak, Željko ; Vukorepa, Ivana

New Freedoms in Liberal Professions: Lawyers in Croatia, from the Association Process to a Member State

Vukorepa, Ivana
Zbornik Pravnog Fakulteta u Zagrebu

Free Movement of Workers - Challenges and Snares for Croatia

Vukorepa, Ivana
European Union & Association: Necessary Adaptations for a Successful EU Membership

Free movement of persons

Vukorepa, Ivana

European social policy

Vukorepa, Ivana

List of select publications

Full bibliography list of works published until July 7, 2023 is available via CROSBI link: .