prof. dr. sc. Goranka Lalić Novak
prof. dr. sc.
Goranka Lalić Novak

Goranka Lalić Novak graduated from the Faculty of Law in Zagreb in 1999. In 2009 she completed her MSC in Comparative Politics at the Zagreb Faculty of Political Sciences, and in 2012. obtained Ph.D. at Zagreb Faculty of Law in the field of administrative law and public administration

From 2008 to 2012, she worked as a lecturer at the University of Social Sciences in Zagreb. She worked as the director of the asylum and migration program at the Croatian Legal Center (2005 - 2008) and as the executive director and project manager at the Croatian Helsinki Committee for Human Rights (2000 - 2005).

She participates in classes in legal studies, social work studies, professional undergraduate and specialist public administration studies, and professional undergraduate tax studies, as well as doctoral and specialist postgraduate studies in Public Law and Public Administration.

She actively participates in the work of the Law Clinic of the Faculty of Law in Zagreb as an academic mentor of the Group for Assistance to Asylum Seekers and Foreigners.

She is the co-author of two textbooks (Administrative Science - public administration in the Contemporary European Context, 2021 and European administrative space, 2012) and three books (Migration Law - Croatia, 2022, Asylum: legal and institutional aspects, 2016 and System Development asylum in Croatia, 2010). She has published several scientific and professional papers and participated in numerous conferences and professional gatherings in the country and abroad. She participated in several scientific and professional projects.

Since 2020, she is the deputy project leader of the European University of Post-Industrial Cities (UNIC) for the University of Zagreb.

She is a member of the Scientific Council for State Administration, Judiciary and the Rule of Law of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, the Croatian Academy of Legal Sciences and the Institute for Public Administration, and the president of the Croatian Legal Center.

Her professional interest includes public administration and public governance, human rights, governance of migration, asylum and integration of migrants.




Graduation year: 1999 graduation year: 2009

PhD graduation year: 2012


Public phone number:
4890 208
Gundulićeva 10, soba 17
Administrative Sciences
Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

Procedure protocol for the integration of persons who have been granted international protection and the manual with examples of good practice

Lalić Novak , Goranka ; Giljević , Teo

“We are With You, Ukraine” – Analysis of the Administrative Capacities in the Implementation of Temporary Protection in Croatia

Koren, Lucija ; Lalić Novak , Goranka
Migracijske i etničke teme

Migration and Asylum Governance in CEE Countries: Between Historical Legacies and the Europeanisation Process

Lalić Novak, Goranka ; Giljević, Teo
Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava = Croatian and comparative public administration

International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Migration Law Croatia

Lalić Novak, Goranka

(Never)mind the Evidence: Evidence-Based Law- Making in the Croatian Regulation on Migration

Lalić Novak, Goranka ; Giljević, Teo ; Manojlović Toman, Romea
Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava = Croatian and comparative public administration

(Never) mind the evidence: Croatian regulation on forced migration throughout the ‘better regulation policy’ lenses

Lalić Novak, Goranka ; Giljević, Teo ; Manojlović Toman, Romea
IPSA 26th World Congress of Political Science

Croatian Public Administration: Good Governance Accompanied by an Authoritarian Legacy

Giljević, Teo ; Lalić Novak, Goranka ; Lopižić, Iva

Local Integration Policy of Migrants in Croatia: In Search of Coherence and Capacity

Koprić, Ivan ; Lalić Novak, Goranka ; Giljević, Teo

Administrative Science: Public Administration in Contemporary European Context

Koprić, Ivan ; Marčetić, Gordana ; Musa, Anamarija ; Đulabić, Vedran ; Lalić Novak, Goranka

Immigration and integration public policies in Croatia - challenges for public administration

Lalić Novak, Goranka

System of Integration of Persons under International Protection in the Republic of Croatia

Lalić Novak, Goranka

Integration of migrants through a prism of specific sustainable development goals: A perspective of public administration.

Giljević, Teo ; Lalić Novak, Goranka
Sustainable development

Development of asylum legislation in Croatia: evidence-based policy making or EU top-down pressure

Lalić Novak , Goranka ; Giljević , Teo
Migration Policymaking in the EU: Towards an Evidence-Based Approach

Contemporary Administrative Doctines: A Reader 2020

Giljević, Teo ; Lalić Novak, Goranka ; Vukojičić Tomić, Tijana ; Manojlović Toman, Romea

Regulatory Management: A Reader 2020.

Musa, Anamarija ; Banić, Slavica ; Džinić, Jasmina ; Đurman, Petra ; Giljević, Teo ; Koprić, Ivan ; Lalić Novak, Goranka ; Lopižić, Iva ; Zelenika, Boris

Human rights of migrants - international, European and national standards

Lalić Novak, Goranka

Access to asylum system

Lalić Novak, Goranka

Immigration and Integration Public Policies in Croatia - Challenges for Public Administration

Lalić Novak , Goranka
Okrugli stol Izazovi migracija i integracije za javnu upravu, Znanstveno vijeće za državnu upravu, pravosuđe i vladavinu prava Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti

The (Lack of) Demand for Performance Information by the Croatian Parliament

Manojlović Toman, Romea ; Lalić Novak, Goranka
Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences

Legal and Institutional Framework of Integration of Migrants in Croatia – Towards a European Model

Lalić Novak, Goranka ; Giljević, Teo
Godišnjak Akademije pravnih znanosti Hrvatske = Yearbook Croatian Academy of Legal Sciences

Serendipity in governing wicked issues: The local integration of refugees in Croatia

Giljević, Teo ; Lalić Novak, Goranka ; Župarić-Iljić, Drago
Local Governance and Human Rights in the World of Wicked Problems

The Janus-Faced Character of Migration Governance in CEE Countries

Lalić Novak, Goranka ; Giljević, Teo
3. Međunarodni znanstveni skup Public Administration in a Democratic Society: Thirty Years of Democratic Transition in Europe, Dubrovnik, 4.-6.10.2019., Institut za javnu upravu, IPSA i Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu

Towards the achieving SDGs: Administrative capacities for integration of migrants on local level

Giljević, Teo ; Goranka Lalić Novak
International conference Public Administration’s Missions and Goals for the Achievement of the SDGs

Migrations, Diversity, Integration, and Public Governance in Europe and Beyond


Introduction: Migrations, Diversity, Integration, and Public Governance in Europe and Beyond

Koprić, Ivan ; Lalić Novak, Goranka ; Vukojičić Tomić, Tijana

Coordination Instruments in Croatian Integration Policy: Classification, Evaluation, and Proposals for Improvements

Giljević, Teo ; Lalić Novak, Goranka
Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava

Integration of ‘new’ refugees in the non- immigrant countries along the Balkan route of migration - overview of legal framework and practices

Lalić Novak, Goranka ; Giljević, Teo

egal and Institutional Framework of Integration of Migrants in Croatia – Towards a European Model)

Lalić Novak, Goranka ; Giljević, Teo
9. Godišnja znanstvena konferencija Akademije pravnih znanosti Hrvatska u Europskoj uniji- 5 godina poslije

Public administration education: law, public administration and the role of qualifications framework

Musa, Anamarija ; Lalić Novak, Goranka ; Džinić, Jasmina

The Role of Deconcentrated State Administration in Migration and Integration Affairs: A Way Forward

Lopižić, Iva ; Lalić Novak, Goranka
Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava

Quality assurance of higher education institutions in the context of establishing a Croatian qualification framework

Grubišić, Ksenija

Improving border management and access to asylum by civil sector monitoring: is there a link?

Lalić Novak, Goranka
International Symposium Borders: Separation, Transition and Sharing

Leadership in public administration: is there a ‘woman’s way’?

Lalić Novak , Goranka
International Scientific Seminar and Summer School "Researching, Theorizing, and Teaching Administrative Science and Public Administration: Croatia, South East Europe, and Beyond"

Looking Beyond the Crises: Impact of Mass Migrations on the Local, Regional, National and EU Governance

Lalić Novak , Goranka
International Conference Looking beyond the crisis: impact of mass migrations on the local, regional, national and EU governance, Institute for Public Administration, International Political Science Association – IPSA Research Committee 05 Comparative Studies on Local Government and Politics and Research Committee 32 Public Policy & Administration

Human trafficking and refugee status determination - Asylum as protection for victims

Lalić Novak, Goranka
Annual Colloquium - Migrations and trafficking in human beings

Integration of migrants and minorities in the local community as the task of local government

Lalić Novak, Goranka, Vukojičić Tomić, Tijana

Association as an element of civil society: the adequacy of the positive regulation in Croatia and international examples of activism with a focus on the local level

Giljević, Teo ; Lalić Novak, Goranka

Coordination of integration policies in Croatia

Giljević, Teo ; Lalić Novak, Goranka
International Conference Looking beyond the crisis: impact of mass migrations on the local, regional, national and EU governance, Institute for Public Administration, International Political Science Association – IPSA Research Committee 05 Comparative Studies on Local Government and Politics and Research Committee 32 Public Policy & Administration

Association as an element of civil society: the adequacy of the positive regulation in Croatia and international examples of activism with a focus on the local level

Giljević, Teo ; Lalić Novak, Goranka
Znanstveno-stručni skup / savjetovanje Instituta za javnu upravu Građani, javna uprava, lokalna samouprava: jesu li mogući povjerenje, suradnja i potpora?

Implementation of Rules on Tax Transparency by Tax Administrations: Administrative Capacities on the Test

van der Maas, Ivana ; Lalić Novak, Goranka ; Džinić, Jasmina

Public Administration Study Programmes in Eastern Europe

Marčetić Gordana ; Lalić Novak , Goranka ; Džinić , Jasmina
International Scientific Seminar and Summer School "Researching, Theorizing, and Teaching Administrative Science and Public Administration: Croatia, South East Europe, and Beyond"

The role of deconcentrated state administration in migration policy

Lopižić , Iva ; Lalić Novak , Goranka
International Conference Looking beyond the crisis: impact of mass migrations on the local, regional, national and EU governance, Institute for Public Administration, International Political Science Association – IPSA Research Committee 05 Comparative Studies on Local Government and Politics and Research Committee 32 Public Policy & Administration

Legal and institutional aspects of asylum

Lalić Novak, Goranka

Integration of refugees into Croatian society: Testing the legal standards and administrative capacity

Lalić Novak, Goranka ; Kovač, Anamarija
Novi (i)migranti u EU: prema izazovima integracije

The impact of migration to the public administration - toward greater efficiency of administrative organizations

Lalić Novak, Goranka ; Vukojičić Tomić, Tijana
Skup povodom 240 godišnjice postojanja Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu - Suvremene migracije: pravni i institucionalni aspekti

Education in Public Administration: state and perspectives

Lalić Novak, Goranka ; Džinić, Jasmina
10. forum za javnu upravu, Profesionalna javna uprava: stanje i perspektive obrazovanja za javnu upravu

Administrative capacities on the test: the case study of Croatian tax administration’s alignment with the EU rules on tax transparency and tax rulings

van den Maas, Ivana ; Lalić Novak, Goranka ; Džinić, Jasmina
24th NISPAcee Annual Conference - Spreading Standards, Building Capacities: European Administrative Space in Progress

Comparative Method in Public Administration Research: Potentials and Problems

Lalić Novak, Goranka
Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava

The Principle of Non-Refoulement and Access to Asylum System: Two Sides of the Same Coin

Lalić Novak, Goranka
Migracijske i etničke teme

Non-refoulement in International Law and in practice of the European Court of Human Rights - Lessons for Croatia

Lalić Novak, Goranka
Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija bilateralnog znanstveno-istraživačkog projekta - Primjena Europske konvencije za zaštitu ljudskih prava i temeljnih sloboda u upravnoj i ustavnoj zaštiti ljudskih prava u hrvatskom i slovenskom pravnom sustavu,

Connection between demand and supply of performance information – study case of Croatian Parliament and public administration

Manojlović, Romea ; Lalić Novak, Goranka
2015 EGPA Annual Conference

Smart regulation in EU: current state and prospects in Croatia

Lalić Novak, Goranka ; Jasmina Džinić ; Giljević, Teo
Znanstveni skup Akademije pravnih znanosti Hrvatske, Izazovi djelovanja hrvatskog javnog sektora u Europskoj uniji

From traditional models of accountability to accountability for performance: Inter-sector comparison in Croatian public administration

Lalić Novak, Goranka ; Manojlović, Romea ; Džinić, Jasmina
Improving performance of public administration: current experiences and future perspectives

Education for public administration at law and vocational studies: the role of the Croatian qualification framework

Musa, Anamarija ; Lalić Novak, Goranka ; Džinić, Jasmina
Konferencija Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu Primjena kvalifikacijskog okvira u području prava i socijalnih djelatnosti

Services of General Interest and Europeanization of Health Policy in Croatia

Đulabić, Vedran ; Lalić Novak, Goranka
Međunarodni znanstveni skup - 4th Bosnian Herzegovinian, Turkish and Croatian Jurist Days

Comparative Public Administration - A Reader

Marčetić, Gordana ; Lalić Novak, Goranka ; Škarica, Mihovil ; Džinić, Jasmina ; Manojlović, Romea ; Lopižić, Iva ; Đurman, Petra

Alternatives to freedom of movement for asylum seekers in Croatia – situation analysis, comparative summary and recommendations de lege ferenda

Lalić Novak, Goranka ; Gojević-Zrnić, Marija ; Radečić, Gligor
Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu

Croatia - A MIPEX assessment

Vankova, Zvezda ; Gregurović, Snježana ; Župarić- Iljić, Drago ; Kranjec, Julija ; Lalić Novak, Goranka ; Špadina, Helga ; Zlatković Winter, Jelena ;

The Right to Asylum in Case Law – Do Croatian Courts Promote Higher Standards of Protection of Asylees and Asylum Seekers

Lalić Novak, Goranka
Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava

Improving state administration accountability for performance by means of civil sector monitoring: A case study on ‘border monitoring’ in Croatia

Lalić Novak, Goranka
2014 IIAS Congress

Administrative Science - Public Administration in Contemporary European Context

Koprić, Ivan ; Marčetić, Gordana ; Musa, Anamarija ; Đulabić, Vedran ; Lalić Novak Goranka

Administrative science-public administration in contemporary european context

Koprić, Ivan ; Marčetić, Gordana ; Musa, Anamarija ; Đulabić, Vedran ; Lalić Novak, Goranka
Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu

Europeanization of the Croatian Asylum System: Mechanisms and Instruments of European Union Influence on Public Policies and Institutions

Lalić Novak, Goranka
Društvena istraživanja

Institutionalization of organisational field and the influence of institutional logics of administrative system on the transfer and interpretation of field rules: asylum as a case study

Lalić Novak, Goranka
Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava : časopis za teoriju i praksu javne uprave

Asylum system in Croatia: past development and potential prospects

Lalić Novak, Goranka

Detention of asylum seekers : protective measure or a punishment?

Lalić Novak, Goranka
Pravni vjesnik

Public Administration Education in Twelve Post-Socialist Countries and Croatia: Is There a Convergence?

Marčetić Gordana ; Lalić Novak, Goranka ; Džinić Jasmina
Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava : časopis za teoriju i praksu javne uprave

Legal and institutional aspects of asylum

Lalić Novak, Goranka


Lalić Novak, Goranka
Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava

European Administrative Space

Koprić, Ivan ; Musa, Anamarija ; Lalić Novak, Goranka

In search of the coordination in Croatian public administration system?

Gordana Marčetić, Goranka Lalić Novak, Teo Giljević
19th NISPAcee Annual Conference, Public Administration of the Future, Working group on PA Reform

Public Administration Education in Croatia - Approaching Adulthood?

Marčetić, Gordana ; Lalić Novak Goranka ; Džinić, Jasmina
Developing policy in different cultural contexts: learning from study, learning from experience

What is good administration in European terms? Legal and institutional adjustments as a ticket to European administrative space

Koprić, Ivan ; Lalić-Novak, Goranka ; Musa, Anamarija
European Administrative Space – Balkan Realities

Good Administration as a Ticket to the European Administrative Space

Koprić, Ivan ; Musa, Anamarija ; Lalić Novak, Goranka
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu

Protection of the asylum seekers in Croatia: from church asylum to contemporarytendencies

Lalić, Goranka ; Krešić, Mirela
Socijalni rad i borba protiv siromaštva i socijalne isključenosti – profesionalna usmjerenost zaštiti i promicanju ljudskih prava

Development of Asylum System in Croatia

Lalić Novak, Goranka

An Overview of SIGMA Papers 1992–2009: Contribution to Public Administration Reforms in Central and Eastern Europe

Lalić Novak, Goranka
Hrvatska javna uprava : časopis za teoriju i praksu javne uprave

Croatian public administration in the 2010 reports of the European Commission and SIGMA – limited progress in public administration reform

Lalić Novak, Goranka
Hrvatska javna uprava : časopis za teoriju i praksu javne uprave

Protection of asylum seekers on Croatian territory: from church asylum to modern tendencies

Lalić Novak, Goranka ; Krešić, Mirela
Socijalni rad i borba protiv siromaštva i socijalne isključenosti – profesionalna usmjerenost zaštiti i promicanju ljudskih prava

Europaeanisation of Asylum : From Sovereignty via Harmony to Unity

Lalić-Novak, Goranka ; Padjen, Ivan
Politička misao

International and European Standards in the Protection of Asylum Seekers: Reception of Asylum Seekers and Access to the Asylum System

Lalić Novak, Goranka
Hrvatska javna uprava

Establishment of asylum system in Republic of Croatia: theoretical and methodological framework of comparative political science and legal research

Lalić, Goranka

Situation in the Croatian public administration according to the European Commission’s Progress report of 2009

Lalić, Goranka
Hrvatska javna uprava : časopis za teoriju i praksu javne uprave

Croatian public administration in the reports of European bodies

Lalić, Goranka
Hrvatska javna uprava : časopis za teoriju i praksu javne uprave

Development of the Common European asylum system

Lalić, Goranka
Hrvatska javna uprava : časopis za teoriju i praksu javne uprave