Constitutional Law
Chair of Constitutional Law
Constitutional Law
Study: Law - 3. semester
Code: 31877
ECTS: 8.0
Course coordinators: prof. dr. sc. Biljana Kostadinov
prof. dr. sc. Đorđe Gardašević
izv. prof. dr. sc. Ana Horvat Vuković
Lecturers: doc. dr. sc. Mario Jelušić - Lectures
Exam dates:
  • 27. 08. 2024.
  • 10. 09. 2024.
Exam registration: Studomat
Basic data
Constitutional Law Law - 3. semester
8.0 31877
Lecturer in charge Consultations Location
prof. dr. sc. Biljana Kostadinov Trg Republike Hrvatske 3, room 13
prof. dr. sc. Đorđe Gardašević Trg Republike Hrvatske 3, room 15
izv. prof. dr. sc. Ana Horvat Vuković

Office hours are held Mondays from 10:30, except during exam weeks and annual leave.

For students who work or are otherwise unable to make use of these office hours, alternative office hours are scheduled on an individual basis, including via Google Meet, Zoom, Teams and similar platforms.

Trg Republike Hrvatske 3, room 10
Lecturer Consultations Location
doc. dr. sc. Mario Jelušić (Lectures) Trg Republike Hrvatske 3, room 11/I
REQUIRED: Ustav Republike Hrvatske; NN 85/2010 (pročišć. tekst) i 5/14 (Odluka Ustavnog suda u povodu okončanja postupka nadzora nad ustavnošću i zakonitošću provođenja državnog referenduma održanog 1. prosinca 2013., na kojem je članak 62. Ustava Republike Hrvatske dopunjen novim stavkom 2.), str
REQUIRED: Ustavni zakon o Ustavnom sudu Republike Hrvatske; NN 99/99, 29/02 i 49/02 (pročišć. tekst), str
REQUIRED: Smerdel, B.; Ustavno uređenje europske Hrvatske - II. izmijenjeno i dopunjeno izdanje; Narodne novine (2020), str
RECOMMENDED: Smerdel, B.; O ustavima i ljudima - uvod u ustavnopravnu kazuistiku; Novi informator (2012), str
RECOMMENDED: Smerdel, B.; Gardašević, Đ. (ur.); Izgradnja demokratskih ustavnopravnih institucija Republike Hrvatske u razvojnoj perspektivi; Hrvatska udruga za ustavno pravo (2011), str
RECOMMENDED: Radna skupina predsjednika RH: Izrada stručne podloge mogućeg prijedloga ustavnih promjena; Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu, 50 (2000) 3 (2000), str. 373-392
RECOMMENDED: Podolnjak, R.; Neposredan izbor (grado)načelnika i župana; Stanek (2005), str
RECOMMENDED: Podolnjak, R.; (Grado)načelnik i vijeće: novi institucionalni okvir hrvatske lokalne samouprave u komparativnoj perspektivi; Piprom (2010), str
RECOMMENDED: Kostadinov, B.; Suvremeni francuski parlamentarizam (1958.-2002.); Pravni fakultet u Zagrebu (2004), str
RECOMMENDED: Smerdel, B.; Evolucija predsjedničke vlade u SAD: Kongresni veto (doktorska disertacija); Pravni fakultet u Zagrebu (1986), str
RECOMMENDED: Horvat Vuković, A.; Pravno uređenje pozitivne diskriminacije kroz poseban osvrt na primjer Indije; Hrvatska udruga za ustavno pravo (2015), str
This course focuses on the following core areas: the Constitution and constitutional governance, classic and contemporary constitutionalism, the Constitution as a legal act; fundamental rights and freedoms; constitutional review; basic institutions of democratic governance; system of government and accountability; compound states and communities of states; constitutionality of the EU; establishing an independent Republic of Croatia; basic characteristics of the constitutional order of the Republic of Croatia; fundamental rights and freedoms in the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia; referendum in Croatia; the President of the Republic of Croatia; the Government and central state administration; Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia; the Judiciary; special institutions of constitutional review; local and regional (self)government; consolidating the Croatian legal system.
Exam dates
27. 08. 2024.
10. 09. 2024.