Sociology of Croatian Society
Sociology of Croatian Society
Study: Civil Law - 9. semester
Commercial Law - 9. semester
Constitutional-Administrative - 9. semester
Criminal Law - 9. semester
International Law - 9. semester
The European Union Law - 9. semester
Code: 79174
ECTS: 4.0
Course coordinators: prof. dr. sc. Siniša Zrinščak
izv. prof. dr. sc. Dario Čepo
izv. prof. dr. sc. Antonija Petričušić
Lecturers: dr. sc. Mateja Čehulić - Lectures
doc. dr. sc. Stjepka Popović - Lectures
Exam dates:
  • 26. 08. 2024.
  • 09. 09. 2024.
Exam registration: Studomat
Basic data
Sociology of Croatian Society Civil Law - 9. semester
Commercial Law - 9. semester
Constitutional-Administrative - 9. semester
Criminal Law - 9. semester
International Law - 9. semester
The European Union Law - 9. semester
4.0 79174
Lecturer in charge Consultations Location
prof. dr. sc. Siniša Zrinščak

Tuesdays 11-12 pm

Trg Republike Hrvatske 3, room 16
izv. prof. dr. sc. Dario Čepo

Tuesday 11 am - 12 pm

Trg Republike Hrvatske 3, room 25/II.
izv. prof. dr. sc. Antonija Petričušić

Tuesday from 12 am to 1pm. 

Trg Republike Hrvatske 3, room 17
Lecturer Consultations Location
dr. sc. Mateja Čehulić (Lectures) Trg Republike Hrvatske 3, room 305/III
doc. dr. sc. Stjepka Popović (Lectures) Trg Republike Hrvatske 3, room 305/III
Borak, M., Munivrana Vajda, M.; The reality behind the Istanbul convention: Shattering conservative delusions; Women's Studies International Forum (2019), str. 74, 77-83
Čepo, D.; Structural weaknesses and the role of the dominant political party: democratic backsliding in Croatia since EU accession; Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, DOI: 10.1080/14683857.2020.1709721 (2020), str
Doolan, K., Barada, V., Burić, I., Krolo, K., Tonković, Đ.; Student life during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown: Europe-wide insights; Brussels: European Students' Union (2021), str
Drinoczi, T., Župan, M., Ercsey, Z., Vinković, M. (eds); Contemporary legal challenges: EU-Hungary-Croatia; Pecs: Faculty of Law, University of Pecs. Osijek: Faculty of Law, J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek (2012), str
Gibson, J. L., Caldeira, G.A.; The Legal Cultures of Europe; Law Society Review 30(1) (1996), str. 55-85
Government of the Republic of Croatia; Report of the Republic of Croatia on Implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence; Zagreb: Council of Europe (2022), str
Grdešić, M.; Class Discourse in Croatia: Where Did It Go? Is It Coming Back?; East European Politics and Societies and Cultures, 29(3) (2015), str. 663-671
Gvozdanović, A., Ilišin, V., Adamović, M., Potočnik, D., Baketa, N., Kovačić, M.; Youth Study Croatia 2018./2019.; Berlin: Friderich Ebert Stiftung (2019), str
Inglehart, R., Baker, W. E.; Modernization, Cultural Change, and the Persistence of Traditional Values; American Sociological Review 65(1) (2000), str. 19-51
Jović, D.; Post-Yugoslav States Thirty Years after 1991: Unfinished Businesses of a Fivefold Transition; Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 24(2) (2021), str. 193-222
Kregar, J., Petričušić, A.; Civil Society: An Inevitable Partner in the Development of Local Communities in Young Democracies. In Osmanković et al (eds); Local Economic and Infrastructure Development of SEE (Sarajevo: ANUBiH) (2013), str. 45-57
Philp, M.; Political Corruption, Democratization, and Reform, " in Stephen Kotkin Andreas Sajo (eds); Political Corruption in Transition. Budapest: Central European University Press (2002), str. 57-80
Ritzer, G.; An Introduction to Sociology in the Global Age. In: George Ritzer; Introduction to Sociology. Los Angeles: SAGE (2015), str. 3-33
Ritzer, G.; Researching the Social World. In: George Ritzer; Introduction to Sociology. Los Angeles: SAGE (2015), str. 71-104
Sekulić, D.; The creation and dissolution of the multinational state: the case of Yugoslavia; Nations and Nationalism, 3(2) (1997), str. 165-179
Vučković Juroš, T., Dobrotić, I., Flego, S.; The Rise of the Anti-Gender Movement in Croatia and the 2013 Marriage Referendum; Europe-Asia Studies, 72(9) (2020), str. 1523-1553
Through analysis of the main sociological aspects of modern Croatian society, the course provides an understanding of its trajectory in its historical perspective, particularly the transition from socialism to capitalism. It also focuses on other major social changes that influence Croatian society's development, such as globalization, Europeanization, climate change, etc., enabling a comparative outlook with other societies. Following main structures and institutions of modern Croatian society are covered in the course: social inequalities, dominant values, family relations, youth, religion, political system, political culture, civil society, and judiciary.
Exam dates
26. 08. 2024.
09. 09. 2024.