History of Croatian Administration
Chair of Croatian History of Law and State
History of Croatian Administration
Study: Administrative-Economic - 6. semester
Administrative-Legal - 6. semester
International-Administrative - 6. semester
Organisational-Managerial - 6. semester
Code: 123692
ECTS: 5.0
Course coordinators: prof. dr. sc. Dalibor Čepulo
Lecturers: izv. prof. dr. sc. Ivan Kosnica - Lectures
Exam dates:
  • 29. 08. 2024.
  • 12. 09. 2024.
Exam registration: Studomat
Basic data
History of Croatian Administration Administrative-Economic - 6. semester
Administrative-Legal - 6. semester
International-Administrative - 6. semester
Organisational-Managerial - 6. semester
5.0 123692
Lecturer in charge Consultations Location
prof. dr. sc. Dalibor Čepulo

Thursdays, 12-13:30 

Ćirilometodska 4, room Ćirilometodska 4, soba 33
Lecturer Consultations Location
izv. prof. dr. sc. Ivan Kosnica (Lectures) Ćirilometodska 4, room soba 41 (2. kat)
REQUIRED: Dalibor Čepulo; Hrvatska pravna povijest u europskom kontekstu od srednjeg vijeka do suvremenog doba; Zagreb: Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (2021), str. 65-76, 82-94, 144- 155, 172-192, 202-206, 218-227, 231-236, 241-242, 243-247, 261-264, 268-276, 278-283, 289- 294, 300-302, 306-314, 336-343, 349-378, 390-395, 408-413
REQUIRED: Dalibor Čepulo; Izgradnja hrvatske moderne uprave i javnih službi 1874 - 1876.; Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava, 3 1 (2002), str. 89-126
REQUIRED: Eugen Pusić; Hrvatska središnja državna uprava i uporedni sustavi; Zagreb: Školska knjiga (1997), str. 163-168, 172-181
RECOMMENDED: Ivan Beuc; Povijest institucija državne vlasti Kraljevine Hrvatske, Slavonije i Dalmacije; Zagreb, str
RECOMMENDED: Ivo Goldstein i dr.; Hrvatske županije kroz stoljeća; Zagreb: Školska knjiga (1996), str
RECOMMENDED: Medvedović, Dragan; Hrestomatija upravnog prava; Zagreb (2003), str
The purpose of studying the development of administration through centuries; contemporary administrative organization and traditional determinants; continuity and discontinuity. Principal administrative models in Europe: England, France, Germany. Development of administration in the Croatian surroundings: Austria, Hungary, Venice, Serbia. Administrative organization in the territory of Croatia in the Middle Ages. Central Power. Formation and development of counties, status and regulation of towns. Dalmatian towns until and after falling under the Venetian authority; the Dubrovnik Republic. Administrative reforms of Maria Theresa and Joseph II: absolutism, centralism and modernization; the Royal Council, circuits and towns; beginnings of administrative education (Political-Cameral Studies in Varaždin and the Faculty of Law in Zagreb). Bach s absolutism and modernization of Croatian administration; Crown lands in the Monarchy, circuits, towns and municipalities. Austrian-Hungarian Compromise. Croatian-Hungarian Compromise and modernization of administration within the autonomous framework: The Croatian Diet, Home Government, counties, towns, municipalities. Beginnings of public services. Dalmatia and Istria: administrative reforms during the period of French government (1805-13); organization of administration during the period of Austrian government (1813-1918). Organization of administration during the period of the first Yugoslav state (1918-41) Administration in the NDH (Independent State of Croatia): the ustasha movement and organization of administration; central government; administrative and territorial organization. Administration during the anti-fascist movement: KPJ (Communist Party of Yugoslavia) and administrative organs; AVNOJ (Antifascist Council of the People s Liberation of Yugoslavia), ZAVNOH (Land Antifascist Council of the People s Liberation of Croatia), NOO (People s Liberation Committee). Croatian administration in the Yugoslav state 1945-90. Administrative development in the independent Republic of Croatia
Exam dates
29. 08. 2024.
12. 09. 2024.