Development of International Law
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Development of International Law
Study: Civil Law - 9. semester
Commercial Law - 9. semester
Constitutional-Administrative - 9. semester
Criminal Law - 9. semester
International Law - 9., 10. semester
The European Union Law - 9. semester
Code: 86140
ECTS: 4.0
Course coordinators: prof. dr. sc. Davorin Lapaš
izv. prof. dr. sc. Henrik-Riko Held
Lecturers: doc. dr. sc. Rutvica Rusan Novokmet - Lectures
Exam dates:
  • 26. 08. 2024.
  • 09. 09. 2024.
Exam registration: Studomat
Basic data
Development of International Law Civil Law - 9. semester
Commercial Law - 9. semester
Constitutional-Administrative - 9. semester
Criminal Law - 9. semester
International Law - 9., 10. semester
The European Union Law - 9. semester
4.0 86140
Lecturer in charge Consultations Location
prof. dr. sc. Davorin Lapaš

Tuesdays, at 2 pm

Ćirilometodska 4, room 24
izv. prof. dr. sc. Henrik-Riko Held

Tuesdays from 15h or by agreement (mail or message via Merlin, GMeet or live)

Ćirilometodska 4, room 36
Lecturer Consultations Location
doc. dr. sc. Rutvica Rusan Novokmet (Lectures)

Tuesdays, at 2 pm, Ćirilometodska 4, room 12


Ćirilometodska 4, room Ćirilometodska 4, soba 12
REQUIRED: A. Nussbaum; A Concise History of the Law of Nations; Macmillan, New York (1954), str. 1-27; 54-71; 115-196
REQUIRED: R. Domingo; The New Global Law; Cambridge University Press (2010), str. (selected chapters)
RECOMMENDED: D.J. Bederman; International Law in Antiquity; Cambridge University Press (2001), str
RECOMMENDED: A. Calore (ed.); "Guerra giusta"? Le metamorfosi di un concetto antico; Giuffre, Milano (2003), str
RECOMMENDED: P. Catalano; Linee del sistema sovranazionale romano; Giappichelli, Torino (1965), str
RECOMMENDED: A. Truyol y Serra; Histoire du droit international public; Economica, Paris (1995), str
RECOMMENDED: K.-H. Ziegler; Voelkerrechtsgeschichte; Beck, Muenchen (1994), str
RECOMMENDED: Travaux of the United Nations International Law Commission; ; , str
The course tends to provide an overview of the historical development of international law through the analysis of legal doctrine and basic concepts of international law throughout history (antiquity, middle ages, early modern period and contemporary period). Recent tendencies in the development of international law are also analyzed with particular emphasis on the codification of international law under the auspices of the United Nations.
Exam dates
26. 08. 2024.
09. 09. 2024.
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