izv. prof. dr. sc. Mateja Held
izv. prof. dr. sc.
Mateja Held

Mateja Held was born in 1986. She completed the integrated undergraduate and graduate law studies at the Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, Croatia, in 2010. During final semester of her studies at Faculty of Law in Zagreb, she enrolled Erasmus programme at Faculty of Law University of Warsaw with an aim of research for her master thesis, and she graduated at Faculty of Law in Zagreb with the topic “Comparison of Croatian and Polish Local Self – Government”. In 2011 she enrolled in the Postgraduate Doctoral Study of Public Law and Public Administration at Faculty of Law University of Zagreb where she gained her PhD in 2015 with the topic "Objective Administrative Dispute in Croatian and Comparative Law".

Since 2010, she has been employed at the Department of Administrative Law, University of Zagreb, and today as Associate Professor where she teaches at law studies, social work studies, at Centre for Public Administration and Public Finance. She teaches at the doctoral and specialist postgraduate study of Public Law and Public Administration. She also teaches Administrative Law and Police Administrative Law at the Police College at the Ministry of the Interior.

She actively participated in domestic and foreign scientific and expert conferences, published scientific and professional papers independently and in co-authorship. She has reviewed several scientific papers and one scientific project of the National Centre for Science in Poland.

She is an academic mentor in Legal Clinic, University of Zagreb, founder and the first coordinator of External legal clinics, a member of the Secretariat of the Institute of Public Administration, a member of the Scientific Council for State Administration, Judiciary, and Rule of Law of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, and a member of the Commission for Local and Regional Self-Government Reform at the Ministry of Justice and Administration. She actively speaks English, and passively speaks German and Slovenian.







Graduation year: 2010

PhD graduation year: 2015

Employed since: 2010


Public phone number:
4895 744
Ćirilometodska 4, soba 44/potkrovlje
Administrative Law
Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

Urgency (expeditious proceedings) and deadlines in administrative dispute

Šikić, Marko: Held, Mateja

Spatial plans and market value of real estate (legal interest)

Šikić, Marko ; Held, Mateja
Novosti u upravnom pravu i upravnosudskoj praksi

Spatial planning in the EU and Croatia under the influence of COVID-19 pandemic

Held, Mateja ; Perkov, Kristina
ECLIC International Scientific Conference: The recovery of the EU and strengthening the ability to respond to new challenges – legal and economic aspects (ECLIC 2022)

Spatial planning in the EU and Croatia under the influence of COVID-19 pandemic

Held, Mateja ; Perkov, Kristina
ECLIC International Scientific Conference: The recovery of the EU and strengthening the ability to respond to new challenges – legal and economic aspects (ECLIC 2022)

Vested Rights of the Party on the Example of the Remuneration of Salary during the Maternity Leave

Held, Mateja
Informator : instruktivno-informativni list za ekonomska i pravna pitanja

Tax Advisors - Authorized Representatives in Administrative Dispute

Šikić, Marko ; Held, Mateja
Informator : instruktivno-informativni list za ekonomska i pravna pitanja

Authorized Representatives in Administrative Dispute

Šikić, Marko ; Held, Mateja
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci

Regulation of Concessions in Primary Healthcare with Reference to the Amendments of 2019.

Held, Mateja ; Varga, Janja
Zagrebačka pravna revija

Judicial control of administrative acts and measures regarding unlawful residence of foreigners in Croatia in the European context

Đanić Čeko, Ana ; Held, Mateja
International Scientific Conference EU and Member States – legal and economic issues 2019

Judicial Control of Spatial Plans as Prerequisite of Economic Development in Croatia

Held, Mateja
The Legal Framework for Economic Competitiveness: Sixth Bosnian Herzegovinian, Croatian and Turkish Jurist Days

The Development of the Administrative Courts' System in Transitional Countries and their Role in Democratic, Economic and Social Transition

Held, Mateja
Public Administration in Democratic Society: Thirty Years of Democratic Transition in Europe

Some Important Issues Regarding the Organisation and Reforms of Judicial Review in European Countries

Held, Mateja
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu

Legal persons vested with public authorities as a plaintiff in the administrative dispute

Turudić, Marko ; Held, Mateja
Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava

Access to Justice in Administrative Cases. An Analysis of Cases of the Zagreb Legal Clinic

Held, Mateja

Control of local governments in Croatia: Many components, still weak control

Koprić, Ivan ; Crnković, Mateja ; Lopižić, Iva

Judicial Review of Spatial Plans as a Prerequisite of Economic Development in Croatia

Held, Mateja
The Legal Framework for Economic Competitiveness: Sixth Bosnian Herzegovinian, Croatian and Turkish Jurist Days

Application of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in the Croatian Constitutional Court's case law

Held, Mateja
Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava

Administrative Judicial Control and Coustitutional Control of Legality of the Local Self-government Acts

Šikić, Marko ; Crnković, Mateja
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci

Administrative Courts in Croatia

Held, Mateja

Evaluation of the Administrative Courts’ Reform in Croatia

Held, Mateja
NISPAcee 24th Annual Conference, Spreading Standards, Buiding Capacities: European Administrative Space in Progress

Upravni sud u Rijeci

Held, Mateja
Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava = Croatian and comparative public administration

Objective Administrative Dispute in Croatian and Comparative Law

Crnković, Mateja

Preconditions for the commencement of the objective administrative dispute

Crnković, Mateja
Hrvatska pravna revija

Insufficient regulation of the Administrative Dispute Act regarding the assessment of the legality of general acts

Crnković, Mateja
Hrvatska pravna revija

Implementation of the European Convention Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in the Constitutional Court's case law

Crnković, Mateja
Primjena Europske konvencije za zaštitu ljudskih prava i temeljnih sloboda u upravnoj i ustavnoj zaštiti ljudskih prava u hrvatskom i slovenskom pravnom sustavu

The Administrative Court in Rijeka

Crnković, Mateja
Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava

The conceptions of the nature of administrative disputes in croatian and comparative law

Crnković, Mateja
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu

Administrative Court in Rijeka

Crnković, Mateja
Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava

Access to Administrative Justice in the Light of Analysis of Zagreb Legal Clinic Cases

Crnković, Mateja
Public and Private Justice, Procedural Human Rights and Access to Justice in the World of Emergencies and Economic Crisis

Administrative Contracts in the Croatian Legal System

Crnković, Mateja
Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava

The Administrative Court in Rijeka

Crnković, Mateja
Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava

The Administrative Court in Rijeka

Crnković, Mateja
Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava

The Administrative Court in Rijeka

Crnković, Mateja
Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava

The Administrative Court in Rijeka

Crnković, Mateja
Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava

Administrative Contracts in the Croatian legislation

Crnković, Mateja
Zaštita ljudskih prava u upravnopravnim i sudskim postupcima

The Administrative Court in Rijeka

Crnković, Mateja
Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava

Changes of the regulation regarding the relationship of the central state and local self- government - extent and quality of the supervision

Crnković, Mateja

Changes of the regulation regarding the relationship of the central state and local self- government - extent and quality of the supervision

Crnković, Mateja
Novi zakonski okvir lokalne samouprave i lokalnih izbora u svjetlu dvadesetogodišnjeg iskustva

European Court on Human Rights (Strasbourg) [judgement review: A, B, C vs. Ireland]

Crnković, Mateja
Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava

Dissolution of Local Councils

Crnković, Mateja
Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava

European Court in Human Rights (Strasbourg) (judgement review Scoppola vs. Italy)

Crnković, Mateja
Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava

The Administrative Court in Rijeka

Crnković, Mateja
Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava

The Administrative Court in Rijeka

Crnković, Mateja
Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava

Stevan Lilić: Administrative Law/ Administrative Procedural Law

Crnković, Mateja
Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava

European Court of Human Rights

Turudić, Marko ; Crnković, Mateja
Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava

Local Self-Government in Poland

Crnković, Mateja
Hrvatska javna uprava : časopis za teoriju i praksu javne uprave

Comparison between the Croatian and Polish local self-government

Crnković, Mateja