Krajem 2008. godine objavljena je knjiga: International Terrorism - The Future Unchained?
Urednici: Steven W. Becker (Adjunct Professor of Law, DePaul University College of Law, Chicago) & Davor Derenčinović (Professor of Law, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb).
Iz sadržaja:
1. Foreword
2. Steven W. Becker: Closing the door on justice: Secret evidence and the lack of transparency in court proceedings in the wake of the “war on terrorism”
3. Davor Derenčinović: Shadow of a doubt – is there anything in common with article 2(3)(c) of the International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings and the joint criminal enterprise theory embraced in ICTY jurisprudence?
4. Jean-Paul Laborde: The United Nations global counter-terrorism strategy: Role of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
5. John A.E. Vervaele: Information sharing between intelligence and law enforcement authorities in combating international terrorism
6. Richard P. Farkas: Post-conflict societies and terrorism
7. Maja Seršić: Article 51 of the UN Charter and the “war“ against terrorism
8. Davorin Lapaš: What does the “war against terrorism” tell us about the contemporary concept of international legal personality?
9. Maja Munivrana Vajda: A lack of universally accepted definition of terrorism – an obstacle to the exercise of universal jurisdiction
10. Almir Maljević: The practice of rendition of suspected terrorists and international law: does it go too far?
11. Damjan Korošec: A challenge for contemporary substantive criminal law - How to efficiently suppress terrorism while preserving fundamental human rights?
12. Katja Šugman – Matjaž Jager: The influence of terrorist events on the development of EU criminal law
13. Kerstin Wolny: Under what circumstances could acts of terrorism be a crime against humanity?